Chapter Forty Seven

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After Carson forced us to come inside and made Jacob change back and wear pants, Jacob stomped up to his room like a child

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After Carson forced us to come inside and made Jacob change back and wear pants, Jacob stomped up to his room like a child.

Carson rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen for a nice snack.

I sighed loudly, knowing that I should probably go after Jacob. It was the right thing to do.

But then again, since when am I known to do the right thing?

I'll just go eat some ice cream.

Wait- maybe this is my chance! I can do my New Years resolution and do my good deed for the year and get it over with!

So, instead of eating ice cream, I followed Jacob The Priss up to his room and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" He called, sniffling.

My gosh, was he crying? This guy.

"Um, it's me," I said, rapping on the door again impatiently. "Open sesame."

"Go away, Me," He grumped, "I'm not talking to you."

"You just did," I informed him.

"Well, I'm not talking to you starting now."

I opened the door and walked in.

Jacob was in his bed hugging a slightly damp pillow to his chest, and when he saw me enter he glared harshly at me. "What part of 'Go Away' do you not understand?"

"Look, Jacob," I began, "I'm sorry for making you sad when I beat you up and called you names. But I don't know why you're so upset."

"Because you beat me up and called me names!" He cried out, throwing the pillow at my head. I ducked, and it sailed past me and fell into the hall. "And you just ruined that apology!"

I blew out an annoyed breath. "Fine. I sincerely apologize."

He paused in his act of hugging another pillow. "What will you do to make it up to me?"

I threw my hands up in the air, "I just apologized! What more do you want from me, you ignorant baby!"

He scowled. "I just thought of how you can make it up to me. Stop calling me names."

I scratched the back of neck, "Yeah... I don't know if I can do that..."

"Five days," He bargained, sitting up in his bed and placing his new pillow aside.

"One," I said.

"Four," He argued.




"Fine," He signed. "Three."

I let out another loud sigh and said, "Fine."

"Let's shake on it," Jacob said, holding out a hand.

I rolled my eyes, but walked over and grasped his with mine to give it a hard shake.

"Ow! You hurt my fingers!" He protested, pulling his hand back and cradling it gingerly.

"Sorry," I apologized. Wow, look at me! I'm on a roll!

Jacob paused in his cradling to give me a suspicious look. "Why are you being so nice? This is almost too good to be true."

He was right on that account.

I shrugged. "I guess when I get past all your annoyingness, I kinda like you."

He began to tear up a bit again, grabbing the pillow again and blowing his nose into it. "That's almost nice."

And he was right! Look at me! I'm a good person! It feels good.

Not as good as the feeling when you beat someone up, but still good.

"This is a lovely moment," Jacob said, smiling.

"As far as our moments go, this is one of the better ones," I agreed. "It's nice getting along, isn't it?"

"I feel my self-esteem returning for the first time since you got here!" He announced proudly.

"And I still feel annoyed by you, only not as much now!" I added.

Look at us! Two peas in a pod.

Then we embraced.

Jacob's big arms wrapped around me tightly, and held me against his muscular chest. It was almost hard to believe a man so tough-looking could be so babyish at times.

Sorry, sensitive at times.

But besides that, my thoughts kept drifting toward how nice it felt to have his arms around me. He was like a giant annoying teddy bear, just trying to make it in the world.

Ugh, what am I thinking? This is pathetic! My thoughts embarrassingly resemble a build-a-bear ad.

Suddenly, a cold feeling swept over me.

"Oh no," I breathed, pulling back. My eyes darted to the window. "My thug sense is tingling."

Jacob caught the drift and ran over to the glass.

His eyes squinted outside, and suddenly he gave a loud gasp. "Oh no. They're coming."

Oh crap.

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