Chapter 35

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"Will you just calm the fuck down?!" I snapped at Ryan.

We are currently at his place and he is still mad about the whole thing that happened at Aiden's place.

"No. I can't. And you know why? Because I know that you will never fucking leave him." he says glaring at me.

I just look at him unable to speak after that. I know I'll never let Josh go now that he is back but I don't wanna leave Ryan too.

I close the distance between us and hold his face gently while he stares at me.

" I know I'll never leave him Ryan. He is my bestfriend too not just my ex. But I'll never leave you. You are an important part of my life and I'm happy with you so just stop with all of this insecurity of yours. Please." We kissed afterwards and it turned out into a heated makeout session as usual.

"I need to go home." I tell him.

"Stay with me." he says.

"No. I really need to be alone right now." I spoke slowly which made  him silent.

He didn't say anything and just took his keys and started walking out of the apartment so I followed him out.

We didn't talk during the ride though the silence was killing me. This is what he does when he is mad at me. He will not speak a word and will give me his famous silent treatment.

When we were near my home I decided to speak.

"Are you mad at me?" I whispered making sure he heard me.

"Yes." he replied not looking at me.

"What did I do?"

He didn't say anything and just kept on driving completely ignoring me.

"Ryan.." I called softly.

"What?" he snaps angrily at me so I just shut up afterwards.

What did I even do!? It's not like I stayed with Josh that he is being so mad.

I stepped out of the car when we reached my place and he came out too and gave me a peck just like last time when we fought.

I sighed and went inside while he sped out of the driveway.

I really don't want to barge into his office like last time.

Dear God...please don't let that happen.


It has been seven days. Like seven fucking days and I haven't seen Ryan and this time it's not because he's mad at me but he is out of state for a business.

I so fucking hate him right now. He didn't even come to meet me or called.

When I called the next day after the incident, I got to know that he's already out.


And the worst thing of all? I still have to wake up early to attend boring fucking lectures. Okay I know this is a stupid reason but I'm just so pissed!

It has been a week and I have talked more with Josh and the more I talk the more he looks innocent.

He was just a victim after all because of his father.

We even  decided to meet today at Starbucks like we used to before. So here I'm in front of Starbucks looking at my handsome ex.

You have a boyfriend bitch!


"Hey you" I reply seating in front of him.

"So how was your day?" he asks smiling his gorgeous smile.

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