16. A D V E N T U R E S & T R U T H S

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A/N: EID MUBARAK! This is the LONGEST chapter yet so hope you enjoy! 💕 Also guys I'm not an expert in history and I apologise for any incorrect info that pops up about ancient cities. Feel free to correct me.  One of you rightly said this book needs to be promoted more - my question to you is HOW?? Give me ideas! Of course I want it to be read by more readers <3 ALSO what shall we call this family? Stormers HAHAHAHA but no seriously! 

She is hides something behind her rude, arrogant behaviour. It is thinly veiled, and I use all the patience left in me to wait for tag veil to fall and answer the last question I have. I yearn to be free. Free of her. 

T H E C A R A V A N, رَبِيع ٱلْأَوَّل
P R E - M A C R I

"There is no way in the entirety of this earth I shall don those garments"

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"There is no way in the entirety of this earth I shall don those garments"

"Abi, you must! It is their custom"

"I would rather chop off my own nose!"

Ishtar humpfed at her father's stubbornness. The once grand councillor of Taghrid was sitting firmly cross-legged on their now battered rug, pompously soothing his Taghridi robes as if to reassure the fabric he would not leave it anytime soon.

His beard had grown out, and his hair was not well kept. The once proud crown was scraggly, with his scalp shining through. Still, his physique remained lean and upright, and Zakariyya had not forgotten his stature.

They were currently camped some miles north of the nearest settlement. The settlement led into Macri, the first of the great Inumiden Kingdom townships. According to Amaan, it would be better for them to disguise themselves as local Amazigh (due to their skin tones) instead of announcing themselves as foreigners. The Numidians were a proud people, even their villagers, and who defended their kingdom with utmost loyalty.

"They will catch us out in moments, Abi" Ishtar tried again, "and we cannot even speak their tongues. What if they take us as slaves!"

Amaan snorted behind her, but she paid him no heed even though her neck flamed.

"Slaves?" Zakariyya exclaimed in horror, "surely not! Do I look like a slave? Tell me, Hussaina, have I lost my dignity so swiftly?"

And as her mother began to console her father with a hint of impatience rising into barely contained scolding, Ishtar sighed and ambled away from the bickering.

She gazed up at the clear blue sky. There was not a cloud in sight. Instead, the sun's scorching rays spread across the heavens and beat down upon them. She looked down at her fingers. The milky pale skin had acquired a coppery touch to it due to the exposure.

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