Thank Taco Bell You're Alright

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You guys actually don't know how sorry I am, like seriously. I'm on my knees asking for forgiveness.

Jk, the Queen of Olympus doesn't bow to anyone ;)

I love pancakes. Pancakes are amazing.

But Oreo Pancakes? They're the bomb.

I haven't made them in a while, because I always try to escape the house as fast as I can. Besides, the kitchen is always a mess.

But for the first time in a while, I feel safe in my house. It's been a month since my father was last here.

I don't know where he is or when he's coming back, but I'm going to savor my freedom and happiness for as long as I can.

Knock knock.

Now whoooo could that be? The only people that care enough to come over are the Boys and Josh.

Wiping my hands on a towel, I walk over and open the door.

"I'm not gonna let you eat my pancakes, okay, cuz they're min-"

Let me give you some advice: never say something until you know who it is you're talking to.

"Are you Jasmine Rega?" the police officer at the door asked.


"You're going to have to come with me."

The officer waited while I slipped on my shoes and led me to the car.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's about your dad."


Once, in the middle of a beating, my father, the ex-police captain, told me that every single person on the force was corrupt. He laughed as I realized that nobody could help me. Nobody would care if I told them I was being abused. All they cared about was money.

I knew everyone on the force. Every evil, lying creature that fooled the town into thinking that they were safe. They would often come over to our house and order me around. I was their friend's little servant daughter.

This officer, however, was new. I'd never seen him before. In fact, I realized as we walked through the police department, I'd never seen any of these people before.

I was led into a small office, the room where my father used to sit proudly. The captain's office.

But instead of Lester (my father's best friend and corrupt replacement), a black haired woman sat in the room.

"Hello, Jasmine. I'm Captain Aferman," she greeted.

"What happened to Captain Lester?" I asked bluntly. Don't judge me. I have questions.

"You knew Lester?" she asked, arching her eyebrow.

I nodded in reply.

"Well, you see, Lester was corrupt. In fact, all of the workers on this force were. So they were removed and replaced with us."

Words can't express how I felt in that moment. Everything changed in an instant. I had an escape route. A way to finally leave my father. Uncorrupted officers meant people who were willing to listen to me. People who could help me.

"Anyway, you were brought here because we have your father in custody." Captain Aferman continued.

"For what, exactly?" I was pretty sure they had yet to figure out he abused me. So what crime was he arrested for?

"He's part of a drug cartel."

Say what?

I mean, I knew he was a drunk, but a druggie? Really? Since when? And in all the Wattpad stories I've read, the terrible abusive father forces his daughter to sell drugs or be a prostitute. Of course, this was only until her handsome prince rode in on his white horse. Well not me! I've been saved by my Captain in shining armor.

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