Chapter 9

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After dropping Angel off, the car was silent as my mother drives us into the driveway, stopping the car but making no move to get out.

I'm about to ask what's wrong, when she looks over at me, eyes warm. "So how's this going to go?" She asks lightly and i tense, staring straight ahead as i don't answer.

My mother sighs after a small moment, glancing around the front of the house. "Alright. You don't have to talk to me, your father is in the living room though."

I squash down the guilt, silently opening the door and getting out, my mother soon following me. I walk to the door, unlocking it myself with my abilities and opening it slowly to see my father perched on the couch.

His head lifts when the door closes, eyes finding mine and he tilts his head. Neither of us speak, so i silently set my bag down and walk over, sitting in the chair next to the couch.

My father smirks, slowly closing his book and throwing it on the table. "How was school?"

"Fine." I shift uncomfortably, not looking at him as i begin to pick at the skin on my nails. "I performed for the class today. They liked it," I say and my dad nods, a proud look coming over his face.


"I was. Angel helped me through it though."

"Weren't you going to see him today?"

"I decided to stay here until this resolves."

My father blinks, flinching when the doors open to my mother coming in, humming a tune.

She turns, making her way across the living room. "Don't mind me, continue!" She yells as she turns the corner and goes out of sight.

My father grins after her before turning back to me. "You're having chest pains."

I shrug, giving him a small glance. "It's nothing. Just stress induced i guess."

"How are you feeling?"

I bristle, not liking how this conversation is going. This isn't about how i'm feeling, this is about apologizing to each other. I just can't say it first.

"Fine? I don't know, this isn't what i want to talk about."

My dad stares at me, and i shift uncomfortably again under his gaze and he tilts his head. "Come sit beside me."

I hesitate, glancing at the seat next to him before slowly getting up and doing as he asked.

I sit down carefully, keeping my eyes on the floor and my father sighs, leaning over his knees and setting his elbows on top of them. "You know i always knew we would fight about this?" He begins and i don't respond, turning my head to look at him as he grins down at the floor.

"I knew when your mother wanted you to have a social life, that that would be the one problem we had. Showing and controlling your abilities." He shakes his head. "I knew you wouldn't listen either."

He turns his head to look at me and i keep myself silent, looking back at him. "I don't know where you got that from. Your stubbornness, me or your mother. I mean, you're so powerful Charlie. And you don't even know."

"How so?" I ask, curious because he's never actually told me the extent of my abilities. I always thought he knew.

"That's the fun part. I have no idea. My sister can control liquids only, while my brother can control gases and heat. We all have telekinetic abilities, that's something we all share."

"What about you? What do you control?" I ask and he grins.

"Emotions. Thoughts. Feelings." I hum, glancing back to the ground as he continues. "But you.... you're different. I've never met someone that can control the weather with a simple mood swing. I haven't met anybody that has the control of both liquids and gasses. Temperature."

Charlie (UNREVISED)Where stories live. Discover now