Chapter 43

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It has been three days now and it feels like the longest days of my life with Hunter getting on my nerves.

I am still wondering if he is here for training or to piss me off, it is amusing and entertaining to everyone but not to me when you are on the receiving end.

But what can I do than ignore his stupid self.

"Kate" Becca calls through the mind link.

"yes? " I ask.

"where are you? " she asks, her voice sounding tired.

"I am with Lawrence in his office doing some work, " I say nonchalantly reading through the files while Lawrence focuses on his laptop sighing now and then.

"oh Queen duties, I wish you luck " Lillian adds laughing.

"Why don't I send for help since you are the beta female," I say mockingly.

She was silent for a while before I and Becca starts laughing "whatever, but if you need my help just mind link me okay" she says.

"I will do that," I reply "what are you girls up to? " I ask suspiciously.

"don't know yet, maybe watch a movie or go shopping, " Becca says nonchalantly.

"I am helping Anderson with an errand, " Lillian says before cutting the link with us.

"Okay bye, I have a lot of work to do now, " I say before blocking them out.

I sigh loudly rubbing my temple, I glance up to see Lawrence concentrated on his laptop before looking down at the file left to be signed.

I wonder how Lawrence does this every day.

I spent hours arranging and putting a signature on labeled documents, Anderson and Jack later join us after doing their assigned works.

I sit on the floor India style with a cup of choco iced cream watching a movie I am not interested in.

I have no idea where Ma or Aunty Melanie is, not even the girls were about.

"virago..." Hunter called placing himself on the couch staring down at me.

"och', I am not in the mood for you right now so go away," I say irritated before taking another bite from my wonderful iced cream.

"you hurt my feelings with the words you say," he says faking hurt.

"I am glad you feel hurt," I say spitefully staring at the TV trying to ignore his presence.

"let's play a game," he says suddenly.

"not interested, " I say shrugging.

He sauntered towards me before sitting on the floor with me" come on Kate it's just a harmless game with me your brother, not a stranger" he says warmly with pleading eyes.

"you tell me because I don't know," I say with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, just this one game," he says with a frown.

"Is this another plan because I don't get why all of sudden you are here and asking to play a game with me?" I ask suspiciously.

"I know am not the best brother but I am trying here " he raises his voice frustrated.

"I just have one question for you," I say staring at him intensely trying to figure out what going through his mind " why? "

"why?_ why, you are asking why," he says raising his voice anger evident in his eyes.

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