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This is a true love story concerning two people; Suhayla and Farooq.

Long ago during the Reign of Umayyad Dynasty.. when Islaam used to be the dominant power in the whole Earth, when the Muslim country was the biggest country amongst all the others, and specifically in the city of the Prophet Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, there was a gathering, a Muslim gathering, of some tabi'een, attending a wedding of two young but yet righteous Muslims. These two were Suhayla and Farrooq. Sohaila was the wife and Farrooq was the husband. In spite of the fact that they were both young, they were so righteous in such a way that they became very well known among the leaders of the muttaqeen later on.

The couple were very much deeply in love with one another, happily married. It is said to have taken place during the caliphate of Umar ibn Abdul Aziz.

Suhayla and Farooq had been married for three months when the call for Jihad was made. Farooq was a healthy, young man which meant that he was fit enough to fight in the way of the Almighty. Before he left, Farooq left Suhayla with 3000 dirhams and said to her to make do with this amount for 3 months, he'd be back before she'd need any more money.

He also left a chest containing 30 000 dinars, which was equivalent to two millions pounds, and asked her not to touch this money until he returned.
Three months went by but Farooq didn't return. Nine months passed and Suhayla gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. During this period of time she continued to stretch the money he had given her.

The time period of Farooq's absence was gone and Sohaila became restless. She used to ask the Muslims coming back from the battlefields about her husband but nobody was able to give her a specific answer.

The money that Farooq left with his wife was almost gone however she did not plan to spend anything, not even a single dinar, from the trust that he left with her. The only money that she was spending from was the money that he left for her to survive. That money was almost over and Farookh did not come back yet. And Sohaila was very patient and she never took any money from that trust.

She waited until she heard about some mujahideen coming from battlefields and so she went to them, hoping that they might know about her husband. And then when she came to them and asked them about her husband, Farrookh, one of them told her that, "I saw him with my two eyes dying in one of battles".

This news was not easy for her, for Sohaila to hear. But the Imaan, the faith that was in her heart, stopped her and protected her from doing any wrongful actions, except saying, "inna lillaah wa inna illaayhi ra ji'aooun".

Sohaila went back to her home, with that news being as a fire in her heart but she found nothing but (to ask) Allaah subhana wa ta'ala to give her a way out. And after that news, Sohaila decided to start using the trust that Farrooq left with her and to spend the entire trust in teaching her son the Islamic knowledge and getting him prepared to be one of the righteous leaders.

She kept the memory of her beloved at the forefront of her mind. Her loving husband had died the death of a martyr. She couldn't adequately express how her love and admiration for him had grown over the years. She looked back at the moment when he was heading out toward the battlefield, he had thought twice about it, being the noble woman she was, she had pushed him to strive for what he believed in. She had said to him

"seek Jannah and I shall see you there insha'Allah."

Sohaila started to take her son in his early age to attend thillatul-dhikr where the scholars give their lectures and where the Muslims gather to do their dhikr. She also used to bring some teachers to the house to teach her son the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and she used to pay them from the trust that her husband left with her.

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