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[ Meet Laura Marchand ]


"WAKE UP!! AMY!!" I had been trying to wake this damn girl up for five minutes now. Nothing. "AMADINE BONNET!!" I shook her one more time and she still didn't wake up. She was deep in sleep, or dead. Is she dead? Wait I bet she's dreaming about that guy. "Elijah's here." And just like that she was awake. She had fear in her eyes for some odd reason.

"WHERE IS HE!?!" She suddenly screamed. This girl has got to let this thing go with this guy. "It's just me Amy, get up we have work." She looked at me confused but she still got up. "I thought we only go in at around nine, it's seven in the damn afternoon." I noticed that she was kinda limping on her leg but I didn't say anything. "

"Ronny called us in early because the club was busy, and he said he needed extra hands at the bar."  I waked to the kitchen and grabbed a gogurt and ate it. Seconds later Amy came out of her room with the most innocent and cutest face ever. "Whatcha looking at weirdo?" She asked with a small smile. "I was looking at you punk, you should see how innocent and cute you look."

She just laughed as she grabbed her house key. "Let's go serve drunk men and women drinks." We got to the club and sure enough it was packed. I looked around and spotted a cutie with curly hair. "Amy look he's sexy." I pointed towards him as I was getting behind the bar, but some dickhead got right in front of him. "Who that guy? He's like eighty years old Laura." She looked disgusted which made me want to burst out laughing.

"No that guy behi- he's gone, well shit nevermind then." Where the hell did he go that fast? "Yeahhh Okay, let's get to work please." I took my first two orders and was already ready to go home. I fucking hate it here.


Its around eleven o'clock and my feet hurt. So far I've been serving a lot of normal people. Laura's shift was over but I had to stay till closing. "Hey there pretty lady, you mind serving me a drink and possibly something else?" I looked up to see a man who seemed to be in his late twenties. He had this weird smile on his face which made me feel uneasy.

"What kind of drink ?" I said ignoring his ignorant way of flirting. "Jack, sexy thang." I almost rolled my eyes instead I just smiled. I fixed the drink and sat it on the bar top. About forty five minutes went by and I was fixing this girls drink. "Hey sweetheart can I have your number." The guy I had already served asked me for the fourth time. "John I told you that I'm not interested, plus I don't give my number to customers." He had told me his name a sec ago and I told him mine. "You're being such a bitch, I just wanted your damn number."

I was about to reply but he got up and left. The club was starting to close and I closed out. "Bye Ronny have a goodnight." Ronny was really a nice man, well sometimes. "Walking home it is." I said as I stepped outside and started walking home.

"Hey, you gonna give me your number now? I'm not a customer anymore." The John guy had came from around the corner, causing me to jump a little. "Are you following me?" I honestly just want to go home. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. "LET GO OF MY ARM YOU CREEP!!"

His grip got tighter around my arm the more I tried to pull away from him. "If you're not gonna give me your number at least give me a piece of ass." He said yanking me closer to him. "EW HELL NO!! MOVE!!" I hit him with my free arm which caused him to punch me in the face. I felt a stinging pain on the inside of my jaw. "STOP FUCKING MOVING!!" He yelled right before hitting me in the face again. This time I fell to the ground with a mouth full of blood.

I wasn't unconscious but the pain from being hit in the face twice knocked me down. He hit me again causing my vision to go blurry and my body to weaken. When i looked up I saw him unzipping his pants and my eyes widened. I tried to open my mouth to scream but it was swollen shut. Please god somebody come save me. Anybody.

I tightly closed my eyes waiting for his next move when I heard a loud slam. What the hell was that? I opened my eyes to see Elijah standing over John. I thought he was going to snap his neck but he didn't. Instead he shot him. He shot him.

How did he get here? Did someone call him or something?

I was finally able to stand but I was some what dizzy and almost fell until he caught me. He didn't say anything, he just picked me up. I wanted to say I could walk but well, my mouth was swollen shut and still swelling. Where the hell is he taking me? "I'm taking you home, your new home." It was as if he read my mind but I highly doubt that.

WAIT NEW HOME!!?! I couldn't even protest, I wanted to but how? He put me in the passenger side of his car and drove off.


"You're not safe living alone and I'm trying to deal with eternal heartbreak because you wanna die." I said glaring at her for a second while driving home. I wasn't driving to the place she thought was my home, I was driving to my actual home. "I'll heal you when we get there, stop whining it's annoying."

Doesn't everything annoy you though? You even annoy you.

Half an hour later we were home. I carried her upstairs and put her in the guest rooms bed. "Okay." I bit my wrist enough for it to bleed and put it to her mouth. She look at me weirdly and moved away. "FUCKING SUCK THE DAMN BLOOD FROM MY WRIST DAMMIT!!" She's dumb as hell.

She jumped and quickly grabbed my wrist and started to heal herself with my blood. A few seconds later I pulled my arm away from her mouth. "Try to talk now." She didn't say anything and I knew she wasn't trying to either. I could literally feel her emotions as if they were my own. A second later and she still didn't say anything. "I SAID SPEAK!!" She had fear in her eyes as she opened her mouth to speak. "How did you find me?"

"You're my soulmate I will always find you, whether you want me to or not." She searched my face for a expression but gave up once she couldn't find one. I was expressionless but her in the other hand was clearly confused. "We don't even know eachother, for all I know you could very well kill me." She said after a few seconds.

"You're right,I will probably kill you that is if you disobey me." I sat on the bed as soon as her eyes widened. "Probably kill you from all the dirty little things that I'll do to you." I could literally hear her heartbeat speed up and that's exactly what I wanted. "Dirty little things like what?" I smirked at her question because my answer was  sexual but probably scary to her.

"You wanna disobey me and find out ?" She quickly shook her head no causing me to laugh. It wasn't a friend laugh but more of a warning laugh. "I just wanted to know you, not this." She said.

"Well now you know me." I walked out of the room closing the door behind me. This girl doesn't even know half of me. And if she did she'd run away or be more afraid of me than she already is. Isn't that what you want? Apart of me wanted that but at the same time, it kinda hurt just thinking about her doing that. Fucking bond got me feeling things and shit.

I went downstairs and fixed me a glass of whiskey. "If I'm going to be stuck with this bit- girl I better get some extra liquor."  Tomorrow we have to go meet my family and she has to seriously dress the part as my soon to be wife. So my brothers taking her shopping because I'll be damned. After a half a minute of self loathing and thirty minutes of drinking I finally went to bed.  "I hate humans."

{ Not all hero's wear capes ya know. }

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