Part 35

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JoJo rapped on Lyla's window. "Come on out here and explain something to me."

"Stay in the car," Jack cautioned. She locked the doors.

JoJo pressed his nose against her window. "Out there on the farm that night, you said my brother went after you when you left the party." His breath fogged the glass. JoJo turned his wrath on Jack. "And then Captain America here came to the rescue."

"I drove up the road until I saw her car broke down," Jack explained. "And I brought her back to the party. We didn't see your brother."

"You're a damn liar." JoJo pulled a knife.

Jack stepped back. "Relax, dude."

Lyla shouted, "I'm calling the cops."

JoJo reached for the car door handle, but his hand didn't find its destination. Jack floored him with a chopping right hook. JoJo collapsed to the hard pavement, his eyes rolled back in his head, the knife clattering on the sidewalk.

Taj threw a clumsy hook that grazed Jack's jaw. Jack connected with two solid punches to his head, but the big man kept coming. Taj grabbed a handful of Jack's jacket and bounced him off the side of his car. Jack momentarily lost consciousness.

"Get out of here, you freak!" Lyla shrieked.

JoJo shook the cobwebs from his head as he rose to his feet. "Stand him up."

When Taj wrapped his arms around Jack from behind, JoJo advanced with his knife.

Lyla bolted out of the car and ran into the street. "Help! Somebody help!" She railed at JoJo, "Keenan tried to rape me out on that farm. He was an asshole! I'm glad he's gone!"

That lit his fuse. He rushed her.

Jack couldn't break Taj's grip. "Lyla, run!" he shouted.

She waved her arms wildly at an approaching vehicle. As the car slowed, Taj tossed Jack aside then he and JoJo retreated into the shadows.

"You okay?" the driver asked.

"Yeah," said Lyla. Jack nodded.

"Sure you don't want me to call the cops?"

Jack shook his head. "Thanks. We're good." The motorist eyed them with concern and drove away slowly.

Jack tried to walk it off but dizziness made him wobbly. He steadied himself against the car.

"You drive," he said. She took the keys and got into his car.

"That was no coincidence." He peeked into his side-view mirror. "Those two douchebags followed us to Darcy's. They were waiting for us."

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