17. "do something crazy"

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"Sex is honestly so much more fun with random people," she said.

Dana and I were leaning against the counters in the back of the diner drinking our coffee. I slowly sip on the hot bitter liquid as she goes on about the wonders of her single life.

"There's no responsibility for you, no one to nag you, and you're free to do whatever you want."

I listen to her valid point. Just for a split second, I begin to wonder what it would be like if I wasn't with Sawyer right now, but I dismiss the foul thought right away. Instead, I open my phone to aimlessly check my emails. As I scroll through I notice one from my professor, about the final mark for my paper.

The mark I see with my own two eyes is a 34, and I instantly think this has to be a mistake. The more I look at it the angrier I get. I nearly throw my phone across the kitchen in frustration.

Dana gave me a really concerned look as she noticed this. "What's wrong?" she puts her cup down. "I just got my grade for the assignment." I held out my phone for her to see and she simply shot me an apologetic look. "I mean I knew my grades were gonna drop this semester but I didn't think it'd be this much."

"Do you need to step outside? Maybe some fresh air might help," she offers but I decline wistfully. With all that's been happening I don't need problems at school now too. Every part of my life is slowly crumbling to pieces right before my eyes and there's nothing I can do about it.

I shake my head and get back to work gloomily.


Later that night, I made some warm ramen noodles to cheer myself up a bit and just as I was getting ready to sit down and turn on Friends, the power in the whole building went out. I pulled back my curtains to see the incredibly intense thunderstorm that was wreaking havoc on the town.

I wrapped myself in a warm fuzzy blanket and rolled up into a ball on my bed. Being all alone during a thunderstorm always made me feel slightly uneasy. Although half of the people on my floor were screaming so technically I wasn't all alone, but regardless of that, the emptiness still remained.

My eyes slowly began to close as the darkness was easy on my eyes when suddenly I was startled by a loud banging on my door. I was worried someone was in trouble so I hopped out of bed instantly and ran over. When I opened it hastily, Anthony's cheery face was not what I was expecting to see at all.

"Come with me," he reached out his hand and I just snorted. "Come quick," he barked like a little excited puppy. I don't know how he's so oblivious to the surroundings but I was currently wrapped up in my blanket, and the whole building was nearly pitch black. The only reason I could even see him was the emergency lights in the hall and everyone's phone flashlights.

"What the hell Anthony." I rubbed my eyes. He didn't seem to care as he grabbed my hand anyways and began pulling me out of my room.

"Seriously?" I groaned but he still had no response. "Where are we going?" I continuously asked as he led me down the hall and we passed the countless groups of students chatting outside. Their phone flashlights illuminating the floors and ceilings.

We made it to the front door which is when I put my foot down. "It's raining you idiot." No, actually it was pouring. Not only that, it was also freezing. He opens the door himself and runs outside, like a child.

"I know that's the point." he yells out. "Get back in here, what are you doing?" I call out, nearly shivering from the cold.

"Not until you come out." His endless mind games will not rest until he gets what he wants, so I decide to get it over with. What have I got to lose at this point?

I run out with him to the giant parking lot in front of our building, in the pouring rain. We were the only ones though because everyone was inside, staying dry like any sane person would be.

"I fucking love rain." He yells out. People running by laugh at us and I even notice people looking out of their windows and pointing. I feel conflicted right now because at first, I was the one laughing along with them, but now that I'm part of it, it actually feels kinda good.

And looking at his happy face makes me feel happy for some reason.

"If I could go somewhere where it always rained I would. It's so amazing." He talks as though it's his first time seeing rain and it's like he's got this childhood innocence all of a sudden. "It's been a long week for the both of us hasn't it?" I say and he chuckles. "Yeah, that's why I'm out here. Appreciating the finer things in life," he spins around with his arms stretched out.

"Aw your mascara is running," he laughs at the fact that I probably look like a sleep-deprived raccoon right now. "Yeah, that's why I don't go out in the rain." I'm completely and utterly soaked.

He wiped it for me and suddenly I warmed up. I think the adrenaline has gotten to me and I can only keep my mind focused on one single thing right now.

We stand beneath the awning in front of our building to give us some shelter from the rain, but we are both still undeniably soaked. He lights a cigarette and takes a drag, watching the furious storm in front of us do its thing.

"I've been needing some change in my life recently. I want to do something crazy." I say excitedly.

"Then do it." He insists. "What's something you've always wanted to do, but been too scared to?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "Really think about it." He says and I do. I scroll through the memories in my head and suddenly, it's loud and clear.

"Dye my hair blue. I've always wanted to dye my hair blue."

"Then let's do it, right now."

I stare at him, examining the many excuses I could give to not do this right now but I can't stick with one. I hate excuses and I'm tired of dishing them out. He quickly finished his cigarette and at this point, he's got me so motivated that I can't think of any reason why not.

That's why I say "Okay."

I know you guys are very tired of hearing this and my upload schedule is completely out of wack but I've been having a really tough time with my transition into university. I love writing so much and I want to keep doing it and everyone's support means so much to me but I really need to write something I'm passionate about right now. So I will be starting and new book and I will be focusing most of my time on that one but I will still try to continue updating this book as much as possible as well.

As soon as I get my schedule organized and I have more time I'll really focus and finish this book but for now, thank you so much for understanding. I love you all so much! :)

Next update: Around Sep 20

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