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"Keep down and follow me!" Sera said in a loud whisper at the men following her as they all circled around the east side of the goblin village. In the distance, both the panicked cries of the goblins and Ergen's roaring could be heard as he started his assault, which indicated that their part in the plan would soon need to be carried out. Though they first needed to circle around the village while remaining unseen, and they did this now by staying in the tall reeds, following the river as it curved around the village. As the went, Sera was suddenly thankful that the dragon was so loud in the distance as none of the monsters seemed to notice the ten heavily armored troops that she was currently leading directly through the creature's docks.

Bringing her hand up in a fist, those behind her immediately stopped and crouched down in the vegetation as a large group of almost fifty goblins ran by them in the direction of the light that the fairy was casting.  And while Sera let the large group go by, another group came into sight directly after them, all carrying bows and arrows while running towards the light in a disorganized mob.

"No yelling. Stay silent and finish them off quickly." Sera looked behind her and ordered, and all of the mercenaries nodded towards her before she let down her fist and pointed in the direction of the running archers. The order was given, and Sera was the first to run out of the reeds to catch the leading goblin off guard before she removed it's head easily with her sword. The goblins wore little in the way of protection, and with their scrawny bodies, thin limbs and necks, they were easily defeated. However, each one was still almost as tall as Sera was, and they couldn't be underestimated with how heavily outnumbered her forces were.

Turning instantly after the first archer had been slain, Sera didn't wait for the shocked creatures behind it to call out an alarm before she ran her long sword through the next creature's chest, killing it instantly as the cowardly creatures behind it all started to yip madly while trying to run away. However, they met nothing but more enemies as the mercenaries had arrived and quickly finished off the remaining goblins.

"Drag the bodies to the river and lets continue." Sera ordered before she herself sheathed her sword and began dragging two of the light bodies behind her. She hoped that their element of surprise could last as long as possible, and that hiding any corpses that they created would help with that. However, there was no time to lose as Sera could already see volleys of fire arcing across the sky where the mages were targeting Ergen. Though in doing do, they gave away their position at the top of a large rock only about five-hundred feet from where Sera and her men were currently hiding.

"There's hardly any cover, so get up that rock as fast as you can and be prepared to have to break a barrier!" Sera ordered while already moving forward, not bothering to search for any way to flank the mages as there only seemed to be a single set of stairs leading up to the top of the rock. Though, she did wonder if it would support all of their weight as the brittle bones that made up the stairs creaked and banged together as she ran up them.

Being the first person to see the goblins yet again, Sera immediately drew her sword and ran forward, targeting what appeared to be the leader of the mages before cutting it down quickly. And as it died, several of the other goblins that had been in the middle of casting spells of their own suddenly went quiet as the mercenaries cut through their numbers as easily as if they were farmers scything wheat.

"Come on! Let's get to the dungeon quickly!" Sera suddenly called out as a sudden massive explosion seemed to detonate right where Rae's light had been.

Forgetting about stealth now that the dungeon was close, Sera ran along with her men, cutting down any goblins that had gathered to stop them from getting to the dungeon. Thankfully the rest of the archers and mages were busy elsewhere, and Sera managed to make it to the dungeon's entrance without any casualties before the other group joined them. Though they didn't appear to have been as lucky as there were only seven remaining of the group that once consisted of twelve.

"Is this everyone?" Sera asked as they all regrouped, and thankfully there were no goblins nearby to spoil the reunion.

"This is everyone, Commander." The leader of the other group reported, and Sera looked around and gave everyone a confident look before taking the lead once more as she started moving in Ergen's direction.

"Let's move, but do it as quietly as possible with no shouting." Sera ordered. "The goblin leader is going to be well guarded, so let's attempt to take them by surprise and cut a path right to their leader if we can. Once he goes down, the rest will lose their will to fight."

"Yes mam." All of the mercenaries behind her replied, and soon Sera was leading them into the empty houses of the village until the eventually spotted the goblin chieftain. He was standing high up on what looked like a stage directly in the center of the village, and he appeared to be both larger and better equipped than any of the other goblins Sera had seen so far as he was welding a large ax in one hand and what appeared to be a knight's kite shield in the other, though it was so dirty that Sera couldn't recognize it's crest.

"Five meters away is when we attack." Sera stated softly, and thankfully the mercenaries didn't reply as all of them moved as quietly as possible behind her. 

Shining brightly as ever, Sera was glad that the fairy was still doing her part as all of the chieftain's guards were staring at it as if that were the only threat in the village in which they needed to concern themselves with. And that was exactly what Sera wanted as she and her men moved up directly behind the creatures. Though unfortunately, they were about seven meters away from the nearest goblins when they were finally spotted.

"Go go go!" Sera said in an urgent yet hushed voice as she hurried forward, and she didn't allow the first goblin that had seen them to even speak a word before she cut it down and continued to flick her blade in front of her as the were more than enough goblins to keep it busy. There seemed to be a wall of thirty or so goblins surrounding the chieftain, though that changed once the others noticed the attack and Sera soon found that her forces were being swarmed.

"Keep fighting!" Sera called out encouragement to her men, somehow managing to slip behind the goblin horde as she sprinted towards the goblin leader, who was looking down on her with an expression of mixed rage and fear.

I Guess I'm a Dragon Now (Part 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant