Chapter Eighteen: A Long Way Down

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     Gregg was adamant that they should start early tomorrow morning, and his enthusiasm was shared by both Al and Amanda, who couldn't stop talking about Aiden's unique artificial brain. Tyler asked Reese what kind of tests they would conduct, but the man reassured him that it wouldn't hurt Aiden.

     At least let Aiden share his ideas, thought Tyler.

     Tyler liked Aiden to be in the room with him as he had the same rights as everyone to contribute to the discussion about his situation. Though, the others still viewed Aiden as part of their intellectual property, a rare shiny toy that was interesting to look at and study.

     "Tomorrow morning, Toby will take you downstairs. The others and I will be there down in the lab, and we'll show you what we got."

     Tyler didn't know what he meant by that, and when Reese spouted off fitness function, reinforcement learning, and algorithmic bonding heuristics, Tyler's mind wandered off to the rose gardens outside the windows, craving that fresh air. Reese didn't bother to explain it to his level, and instead joined Gregg and Amanda bouncing off some ideas that they'd like to try with Aiden, and Tyler faded into the background, eventually sneaking off back to his room.

     Later that night, Toby carried their dinner to their room, a tray filled with a roasted duck, some steamed vegetables, baked potatoes, a piece of glazed ham, a bowl of tomato soup, and a glass of Pinot noir. Tyler didn't think he'd be able to finish all of it, but Toby waited by his door to watch him finish his dinner. Aiden was amused. He'd comment how Tyler missed a piece on the plate and asked him to eat it, and when the Android asked him to describe how it tasted, Tyler felt like he was going to be sick.

     "It's a happy Christmas meal, Mr. North," said Toby innocently. "Today is Christmas after all."

     "Thank you, Toby," Tyler said.

     Toby merely nodded. He was a skinny android model, about half the size of Aiden's. Toby had smooth skin, high cheekbones, and rosy red cheeks, giving him that aura of an elf. His frame was skinny, his arms thin, and his waist was small, too. Everything about him was meek and feeble, yet once dinner was over, Toby picked up the plates and carried them on his tray with ease, leaving the room promptly without saying goodbye.

     "Now that we're alone, would you mind telling me what went on downstairs?" Aiden asked.

     Tyler didn't hesitate to tell him everything.  Tyler made a note in his mind to tell Reese the things Aiden suggested to do. He also planned to put more effort on bringing Aiden into the circle. At least the others had some vague idea what he can do, thought Tyler. Tomorrow, they'd soon find out.

     "I am connected to Mr. Reese's local ModGlobe network, Tyler. Would you like me to start a movie?" Aiden asked.

     "Wait, you are?"

     "Yes. Albeit in a minimal form. I think Mr. Reese anticipated this."

     "Damn. That freaking sucks," groaned Tyler. If Aiden had full access, he could spy at Reese for their entire stay there, finding out the things that he hid from him. With all of Reese's promises of honesty and transparency, a man who had stayed and worked in SynTech long enough to even smell like them never shed their secrecy that easily like a snake.

     "How about that movie?" Aiden asked again.

     Tyler nodded and prepared himself on the couch in front of the TV. The lights dimmed and out came the title card for Kidnapped 5: Dog Days.

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