Ch. Forty- Two

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I woke up with a pounding headache.

I tried to move my hands to my head to ease the pain, but my hands wouldn't move from where they were. In a panic, I quickly opened my eyes and saw that I was in a wooden chair with ropes wrapped tightly around my wrists and tied to the arm rests. When I tried to stant up, I realized that my ankles were also roped up and there was a rope wrapped around my stomach.

I forced myself to stay calm.

I'll be okay. Just stay calm. Luke will be here any second. And he'll bring Jack. I'll be okay.

I took this time to look around. The lighting was dark but I could tell that I was in an abandoned warehouse. I was surround by four concrete walls with a fence door across from me. Through the fence, I could see an open concrete area with no furniture, no anything.

"She's up." Somebody muttered from beside me. I didn't need to look over to know that it was Amber.

Just then, the fence door swung open with a loud rattling and light filled the room when somebody flipped a switch.

"Oh, poor baby." My father sighed. "I really don't want to do this."

I furrowed my brow. "Do what? I didn't do anything to you."

"I know. That's what makes this so hard."

"I'm confused." I said. "How do you even know Amber?"

Amber took that as her cue to let out a snorty laugh. "Please, I knew him before I knew you."

"What?" I squeaked. "You're going to have to explain this to me because I am beyond confused."

"Sweetie." My father said lightly, bending down in front of me. "You know how people say that you're valuable for your brain, right?"

"So you had to kidnap me?!" I shrieked. "How the hell am I any use to you."

"Well I have a feeling you'll need a little... persuasion to give me the help that I need."

"Luke and Jack and the rest of my friends are going to come after me. They're going to find me." I said sternly. 

He chuckled. "They won't be able to find us. But don't worry, darling. I hope that I won't have to hurt you. I don't want it to come to that."

"Well I have a feeling that it won't bother you too much since I'm tied to a chair in the middle of a warehouse right now. Very original, might I add. And why are you even helping him?" I asked Amber.

"Okay, let's explain this." He said as Amber just glared at me.

"All ears." I sneered.

"Well, after I left town, I got into some trouble. Some gambling trouble. Hanna left me after she found out about it. She took our baby with her. Anyway, I'm in a big load of debt."

"So? I'm not a freak show. Or a bank." I snorted.

"Let me finish." He snapped. "So, I need money and I have a friend that owes me. That's where you come in."

"I know I'm the genius here, but I'm still confused." I muttered.

"A computer friend found a way to hack into the bank's data base."

"You're going to rob a bank?!" I shrieked.

"We're only going to take what we need, that's it." My father said calmly. "The thing is, we need you to decipher some codes and actually get us into the data base so that we can transfer the money over."

"This is stupid." I mumbled.

"It's genius, really." Amber continued. "Brooke drugging Adam so he'd have sex with her and so you'd break up. On your date night, too. So you'd become friends with Allison so you could tell her things, get inside that nerdy head of yours. You think I actually like Luke? Ew, no, but I just needed to get closer to you."

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