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Muhammad SAW and Aisha RA, the Love Story :

Is love about dying for the one you love or living every breath with him?

If you want to read the perfect love story, I recommend that you don't read "Romeo and Juliet" but read the story of Muhammad(saw) and Aisha(ra)..

No Muslim should start their married life without studying the prophet's SAW marriages, especially the love story with Aisha RA.

The reason for narrating this tale of love between the Prophet and Aisha is that the feeling and relationship of love these days is the most vulgarised, commercialised, sensualised and morally disgraced. I narrated this tale to remind you that there exists a model of love and romance that deserves imitation from us, while keeping all the moral and legal limitations prescribed by our religion in mind.

This is the pure, married love between the Prophet Muhammad(saw) and his beloved, Lady 'Aa'ishah(ra)...

The two came together in circumstances that are a stark contrast to today's conventional love story. He(saw) was a devoted Messenger of God, embarking on the tenth year of prophethood; she was the daughter of his best friend and companion, Abu Bakr.(ra)

She was called the "most truthful daughter of the most truthful one." She was most devout. Most beautiful. And she was wed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, in the latter part of his lifetime.

Abu Bakr RA, was the prophet's closest, lifetime and most entrusted friend, so from where else would you expect the prophet's wife to be? And the love story started with a dream. The prophet SAW saw Aisha twice in his dreams; and each time he was told this is your wife. Let each girl ask herself today how romantic it is, if her husband-to-be dreamed of marrying her twice, before the dream came true! Even based on today's romantic standards, this is one of the most romantic scenes a couple could ever experience. Muhammed(saw) and Aisha!..

Aisha RA said that the Prophet SAW said to her, "You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and some-one said (to me). 'This is your wife.' When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, 'If this is from Allah, it will be done." {Bukhari :: Volume 5 :: Book 58 :: Hadith 235}...

The story of the marriage of Lady 'Aisha started after the death of lady Khadeejah, the prophet's first wife and the mother of his children. One of the prophet's lady companions, Khawlah bint Hakim who was the wife of 'Uthman ibn Madhz'un, came over to Prophet Muhammad(SAW) and suggested to him to marry lady 'Aisha and she described her as the daughter of the most beloved person to Prophet Muhammad(SAW).

Prophet Muhammad(SAW) in turn agreed and asked her to mention the prophet's marriage proposal to Abu Bakr and his wife, Um Ruman. Khawlah went over to Abu Bakr's house and said to Um Ruman;

"what do you think God has singled you out to bestow you with from his blessings and bounties?" so Um Ruman replied "and what would that be?", Khwlah said in response "the Messenger of God sent me over to offer you his marriage proposal to 'Aisha" so Khawlah asked her to wait till Abu Bakr comes over. When Abu Bakr heard about the Prophet's marriage proposal he said "and would she be lawful to him and he is my brother?" so Khawlah went back asking the Prophet (SAW) and he replied "we are brothers in Islam and your daughter is lawful to me".

When Abu Bakr received an affirmative answer from the Prophet, he went over to Mut'am ibn 'Addey because he offered to marry his son to lady 'Aisha and she was about to betrothed to him. Abu Bakr was a man of his promise so he went over to Mut'am house asking him if he still wanted to marry off his son to 'Aisha. So the wife of Mut'am said " O Abu Bakr you might want to lead our son to your religion if he got married to your daughter".

THE GREATEST LOVE STORIES OF ALL TIME..जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें