Chapter 9

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Roughly grabbing the back of your shirt Kid lifted you off of the window sill and left his workshop. Cursing angerly under his breath you held your legs and giggled enjoying being swung back and forth by the way Kid was walking until he slammed the door to the deck open. "Hey shit heads! The fuck you think your doing?! Get your fucking asses back to work before I kill you all!" Kid yelled making the confused and worried crewmen jump and scramble back to work. Looking up at the angery captain you opened your mouth to say sorry when you were suddenly dropped. Grunting when you hit the floor your ears fell back when Kid glared at you. "Next time you distract my men I'm throwing you over board got that? Now get your ass back into the kitchen." Kid growled turning around to head back into his workshop. Whimpering you ran back to the kitchen colliding into Thorn's legs nearly making him fall. "Whoa! Hey kitten what's the matter?" Thorn asked putting a plate down onto the counter as you hiccuped a little. Hugging his legs tighter "Kid got mad at me! He said he'd throw me overboard! Kids scary!" You cried making the pleather wearing man scratch his head. "Shit I took to long getting outside. Sorry kitten, but looks like we're going to have to stay in here." Thorn said lightly patting your head to try and calm you down. Sniffling you looked up and held out your arms wanting to be held. Rolling his eyes before picking you up, Thorn grabbed his sandwich and sat at one of the long tables in the dining area. Sitting with you on his lap, Thorn started to eat as you snuggled into his shoulder. Glancing at you ever once in a while Thorn moved to pet you lightly. Letting a small pur out after a couple strokes you smiled snuggling into Thorns chin making the pleather wearing man snicker. "Alright (Name) why don't we try going back outside? This time I'll be out with you so there shouldn't be any trouble this time." Thorn said leaning back to put you down. Nodding a little you followed the cook out onto the deck. Hiding behind Thorns leg you tried to find the redhead. Crossing his arms at your sudden shyness "You know captains most likely in his workshop. So you can go run around for a little bit." Thorn said side stepping away from you. Nervously looking at the crewmen you had played with earlier, you turned back to Thorn who was leaning on the railing. Watching you from the corner of his eye. "Your fine to play, we're almost done out here so you won't be distracting us." A large bushy bearded crewmen said lifting a barrel onto his shoulder and walking below deck. Turning to him you saw the other crewmen nodding making you smile a little. Nodding back at them you ran to the mast and dug your nails into the wood. Climbing up you giggled at Thorns worried warning not to go up to high reached your ears. Climbing halfway up to the crows nest you laughed happily pushing off mast to free fall back to the deck. Hearing the startled screams of the crewmen below you twisted around so you'd land on your feet. Summersulting when your feet touched the ground you rolled with a giggle when you suddenly picked up by your babysitter. "The fucking hell was that bullshit?! Are you trying to kill me? Oh my god you fell nearly forty feet!" Thorn yelled turning you around in his arms to hold you close as the crewmen on deck either sighed in relief or bent forward to hold their chest. Ears flattening at the bear crushing hug you tried to push the raven haired man away with a grunt. "Thorn you're crushing me." You whined wrapping your arms around his neck as the cook loosened his grip around you. "Lets just play cards instead okay? No more death defying falls from the mast." Thorn sighed putting you down to catch a deck that was tossed to him. Nodding you sat down near the railing "Can we play goldfish? That's the only card game I know." You said as Thorn sat across from you with two others. Scratching the back of his head. "Nah we're going to play poker. I'll just teach you how to play okay?" The bushy bearded man from before said sitting down next to you and pulled out a small bag of coins. Tilting your head curiously as bushy beard put ten coins next to you. "Alright kitten, these are what your betting with. I'll give you four different berris alright? One gold, two silver, three bronze and four copper. Now Jacobs the dealer, he'll give everyone five cards" Pete said as the blond teen delt the cards out. Handing you your cards. "Alright looks like you got a pretty good hand." Pete said looking at your three pair. "Okay now since your the left of the dealer you get to bet first. Now which coin do you want to put in the middle?" Pete asked making you look at your new coins, sticking your tongue out you took a copper coin and put it in the middle. "Was That okay?" You asked watching as the three around you nodded putting in their copper coins. "Now does anyone want to exchange cards?" Jacob asked putting down three of his cards and picking up three more. Turning to the large man next to you. "Do I put cards down?" You asked watching as Thorn put two cards down and got two more. Looking from his hand to yours. "Well you got a pretty good hand. But if you want to risk it go ahead, just remember you can only put three cards down at a time." Pete said swapping out three of his cards. Puckering your lips in thought you took out your three 5's to get three new cards. Feeling the need to keep your cards secret now you held them close to your chest. "Okay now what do we do? You asked as Thorn's mouth twitched up for a split second. "Well I'm raising the bet with a silver." He said putting a silver coin in the middle. Hearing cursing to your right "I fold." Jacob said putting his cards down as Pete laughed putting a silver coin in the middle. Ears flattening you copied Pete and Thorns action with a silver coin. "Oh, you think you got this kitten? I got a three pair and a two pair." Pete said dropping his cards to show three 8s and two 6's. Hearing a whistle from Thorn you turned as he flipped his cards "Sorry scruffy beard straight flush." Thorn said showing 9-K of hearts down. Blinking at his cards before showing yours "Hey what do I have?" You asked revealing 10-A of spade. Watching the surprise grow on all of their faces you tilted your head. "How the bloody fuck did you get a royal flush?" Jacob asked turning your hands to get a better look. "God damnit kid, you shouldn't have been able to get a better hand than me." Thorn complained dragging a hand down his face. Laughing at your luck. "Well damn you win the pot kid. You sure you haven't played poker before?" Pete asked organizing your new coins for you as you scrunched you face in confusion. "So...I won more coins?" You asked as Thorn shuffled the cards with a snicker. "Yeah, yeah you did. Ready to play another round kitten?"

Kid Pirate's x Neko! Child! Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن