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It's not only you

Who was the reason for the destruction

She received you know. And although

She pours her heart and mind

Onto the pages of her book;

Writing about how you were the only thing

And everything she ever felt she needed,

And how the way you looked at her

Drove her crazy and how she still looks for traces

Of you in everyone else,

It wasn't just you who broke her. And although

You were the cause of her heart being torn to pieces,

And did things that made her feel like

Her mind just might explode,

It wasn't really you who shattered her to an extent

She'd never met before. And although

You awakened all sorts of life inside her;

Just by your mere presence,

Your actions and what you left unsaid

Caused frustration, sadness and disappointment

All at the same time, and although

You gave her mixed signals that rose her hopes

And then in the same speed dragged her down from the skies,

It wasn't just you who made her feel like

She wasn't giving you enough

To see what you actually meant to her.

It's not only you

Who was the reason for the destruction

She received you know.

It was the fact that she fell too hard

And held on too long to let you ruin her for anyone else, and although

Her feelings for you would've been mocked and praised by many,

The illusion of you being the one she needed to continue

Got the better of her and for sometime she was left a complete mess; knowing

That you didn't ask her to leave but didn't try to keep her either

And so she learned to continue...

It wasn't you though,

It was letting everything she ever felt out on paper

And with the ink

She wrote about you

When There Was Me And You | Part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz