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Above are the twins Ace and Leo 😊 And what you're about to read is going to be the beginning of the sequel to this book- Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Tyron's Story


I have to be honest here...I'm extremely jealous.

It's been a month since the birth of the Alpha twins Ace and Leo, and almost two since Tali was born. Every high ranking wolf in this pack already have their first pups...hell, Gamma Marcus and his mate Marigold just announced that they are expecting their first pup in a few months, not counting the two little girls they adopted...which has left the pack ecstatic...but it's only reminded me even more so that I am the only one in the group that doesn't even have a mate...let alone pups.

It's just frustrating...to be surrounded by all the happy couples with their adorable pups, to see my best friend Seth doting over his boys and Avery, and Marcus hovering over Marigold while Ezekiel has to be literally pried away from his baby girl...and not have that myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them all...I just feel like the odd man out. It feels like the goddess has singled me out from the rest, and left me to wonder if I actually have a mate out there...Not to forget that I'm the Beta of this pack, which means that one day my title will need to be passed on to my child...my biological child...


I jump when the sound of Katrina's voice snaps me from my thoughts, and I look up to see her staring at me with a concerned expression on her face.

"Yes Luna?" I reply, and she shakes her head with a weary smile.

"How many times have I told you? Just Katrina, you don't need to call me Luna."

I sigh, vaguely remembering the times she has told not just me, but many wolves that exact line. One of the things I've noticed about her is that she's still somewhat uncomfortable with being called Luna, something about not wanting her friends to feel inferior to her.

"Right...Katrina." I mumble, still a little distracted by my prior thoughts.

"I know something has been bothering you Tyron, in fact it's been bothering you for a long time. So I think it's time you come clean with me..."

I open my mouth to argue, but the look she gives me makes me rethink it.

"Come on, let's go talk in a more private place than the living room." She murmurs before getting up to go upstairs, and I follow her silently, my thoughts still a jumbled mess.

"This will do." She states as we enter the twins room, both infants asleep in the same crib. I had overheard Katrina say that the only way they would sleep without fussing was if they slept together...

"Well Tyron?" She murmurs, and I sigh.

"I've just been thinking...about my mate. About where they are...or if they're even out there..." I trail off in a whisper, and her startled expression is quickly replaced by one of fierce determination.

"Of course you have a mate out there Tyron, why would ever think that?" She struggles to keep her voice a whisper, and I rub the back of my head.

"Because I'm the only one out the four high ranking wolves who hasn't found my mate, while the rest have both mates and pups. It just feels like if I had a mate, I would have found them by now..." I whisper back, and she shakes her head as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Tyron...the path to finding your mate isn't always straight forward and easy as some people make it out to be...we don't always have the easy path to our soulmate...take it from someone who was rejected by her first mate, and spent three years as a rouge before finding her second chance mate. Or from Marcus, who has spent 20 years waiting for Marigold, who just happened to cross his path as he was near death. Hell, it took going to Paris for Adrienne and Ezekiel to find each other. If she hadn't have gone with me, She never would've found her mate in the youngest son of an Alpha on the other side of the world."

She places a hand on my shoulder as her words sink in, making me realize just how right she was.

"The road to love isn't always short and sweet, sometimes you have to travel it through the twist and turns to find what you're looking for." She explains, and my eyes widen as I realize what she's saying.

"Are you saying that I should...?" I trail off, and she nods.

"Go search for your mate, because they aren't always going to be dropped right in front of you."

My heart begins to race as I think it through, conflicted over whether I could really abandon my position as Beta for a long period of time or not. I have no idea how long it would leave me away from my pack...and considering the fact that the wolves that can fill my position in my absence have children...would it really be fair?

"I agree with my mate on this one Ty, you should go hunt for your mate." Another voice calls quietly, and I look up to see Seth standing at the door.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you guys considering all that's happened recently..."

"Don't worry about it, the pack is stronger than it's ever been, so you don't have to stress over it." He drops a hand on my shoulder before putting his arms around his mate, and as I stare at the happy family again, I make my decision.

"Then I'll go, since you both insist." I mutter, my apprehension quickly replaced by my wolf's excitement.

~Finally! It's about time you got some sense! I know exactly where we should search first!~ Victor celebrates with a howl.

"Good...I wish you luck Ty, and make sure that you keep in touch." Seth reminds me, and I nod before I head out to my house and start packing.

I have no idea how this is going to go, but I guess I'll just have to find out for myself.

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