Part 88

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Author's Note: Although I have a lot of homeworks to do and our quarterly exam week is getting nearer, I basically still have the time to write this story😅 Haha. I'm sorry for the not-so-often update for the hundredth time cuz' inspirations are so hard to find these days. And I am more active in my other account, so yeah... please do forgive me. Well anyways, here's the chapter you guys have been waiting!

Part 88


Closing the door behind her, Rys was startled to see Pars waiting in front of her house. A hand in his own pocket—while his other hand in the back. Chill, he rested his form on the fence. His dark eyes on the ground as if he was too deep in his own thoughts.

Rys had the sudden urge to hide, but of course she shrugged that urge away when there was really no logical reasons for her to do that. It was days ago. That encounter which led her getting Dragon away from him.

It was really an ugly encounter that also led her not seeing the witch for a few days now. He must be mad. But what he did was really wrong. It was so wrong for him to treat Dragon like an animal.


          Well it's not like I miss Pars or anything. Meeting him, I am constantly annoyed by his presence. Letting go out a sigh, she proceeded to leave her house. Lips pursed. She was hoping that Pars doesn't notice her, but it did not turn out the way she wants. As soon as Rys passed Pars, a rapid movement was made.

          Pars was in front of her. A bouquet of lavenders was shoved to her face, preventing her to leave. Rys was damn shocked. Flowers for her?! Eyebrow raised, she can't help but cross her arms at the man she didn't expect to pull off a super sweet gesture.

          "Uh, what's this?"

Pars shoved the flowers closer to her face, causing for Rys to scowl and to automatically receive the offered flowers. She glanced at him, and he gave her that look. A look with that smug yet a look so tired. "What is up with you?" she asked, almost sounding so concern for his well being.

He ignored her.

Looking away, he answered, "I'm supposed to give this to you a few days ago, but I was able to do it just now. Sorry for the delay, Ry-rys."

Hearing him call her Ry-rys means that he's alright, right? Yet she can't seem to let go of that worry she holds for him. "Hey, are you still mad at me? I mean. I'm sorry. Look, Pars, I—" "I'm not mad at you. Definitely not," he interrupted me, quickly as he can. He sighed, noticing that he got all her attention now. She urged him as if she knew that he had something to say.

He curled his fist. "I am just mad at the fact that— that I have to share you with all the other guys. I thought." He breathed out some air, frustration was painted all over his face.

          "I thought this won't affect me this much. Now, I get what the others are feeling. I was okay at first. Thought that this is interesting even."

          "I also thought that the guys of yours look so stupid when they fight for your attention, but then." He gave me that serious stare, making my heart's beat go unsteady— I looked away. "But then I found out I'm no different from those guys."

He stepped closer to me.

I stepped back; his sudden change of personality was somehow scaring me a little. "Are you saying that—?" my voice turned to whispers when I found myself staring back at his super intimidating gaze.

          "Yes. I want you all mine for myself. I don't want to see you giving that treatment that should only be for me to anyone," he exclaimed to me. I was befuddled by his word. I took a step back. Somehow, this reminds me of Jace. Ah, that damn scary demon. Licking her afterwards. It brought out a scowl on her face.

"You're thinking of someone?"

"Jace," she did not hesitate to say to him. He also said something similar to that. Pars narrowed his sight, suddenly feeling envious of a man that had invaded her thoughts for a while.

But he decided to ignore that feeling.

          Feeling a sudden vibration on her pocket, Rys took out her phone only to receive a message from Pinkie. She was reminding her on the message that Rys had only half an hour before school starts. It was a signal that the black haired girl has to move.

She sighed and put back her phone.

"Now will you excuse me? I have to go to school," Rys said as she put back her phone. She didn't know what to do with the bouquet of lavenders she had just received— but she did know that she can't carry that to school. So she shoved the bouquet to the man's hands, giving him a small smile.

"Also, I can't go to school with that."

Hurt was expressed over his face, so the girl waved her hands at him. "What I mean to say is can you give that to my parents and ask them to put it in my room?" Seeing the hurt gone and was replaced with eagerness, she cannot help but let go a sigh of relief.


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