Chapter Four

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Noah burst out laughing. Sadie began wringing her hands together. Constance looked annoyed. "I don't appreciate this," She called over Noah's laughter.

"Save Cinderella? Like literally, the girl from the movie? We're supposed to save her?" Sadie asked.

"Yes." Constance said, unamused. When no one said anything, she sighed. "Recently, Utopia has been under attack. A new villain has arisen, and we have no idea where she came from. She's not from any of the Disney movies of your world. Her name is Entropy, and she's very intent on taking over Utopia and changing all the stories." She explained. "Her plan is to harvest the powers of every witch, fairy, and other magical being she can get her hands on, to become the most powerful creature in this world." Constance said seriously.

"Well, that is just too bad." Noah said, obviously sarcastic.

Constance fumed. "Enough!" She cried, zooming over to him. She got right in his face. "Listen buddy, you may think this is a joke, but it affects you too! Entropy's power has knocked all of the stories off track. If they don't get back to the way they belong, they change in your world, too. What do you think will happen if the next time someone decides to watch Cinderella, they find that she has been eaten by the crocodile from Peter Pan? Huh? If Cinderella does not meet her prince, do you think she becomes a princess? No! What do you think happens to the 'Cinderella Castles' in those amusement parks in your world? They disappear! How will your people handle that, hm?" She cried. Noah's mouth dropped open.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. If these fairy tales don't go the way they're supposed to, then they change in our world too?" Sadie asked, eyes wide.

"Yes." Constance said firmly. "How well do you think humans will take finding out that magic is real after all? Not well. You humans like things you can understand. When you don't understand something, you act out in fear. You make rash decisions and use violence to solve your problems. It's not good. But this is what will happen if movies start changing and castles start disappearing."

"You have got to be kidding me. So you guys have been dancing around playing in these fairy tales, and now all of a sudden it's going to destroy our world? We're the ones that suffer?" Noah asked, crossing his arms.

"Yep. So you really don't have a choice in helping me, do you?" Constance snapped, annoyed.

"Why do you need our help? We're obviously not witches." Sadie asked.

Constance sighed. "With witches and fairies being kidnapped, we're short staffed. To set the stories back on track, each story needs to be played out like it does in the movies. Once that is complete, the story continues, and the characters live happily ever after until, well, until something else happens, and the story needs to start over. In extreme cases, witches are allowed to bring outsiders into the stories to help straighten these things out. Which is where you come in. As for why I chose you, well, let's just say you had qualifying characteristics that would be beneficial to us. You were chosen over billions of other candidates." Constance explained.

"Lucky us." Noah retorted.

"Yeah, lucky you. If you save the world, then you can add that to your ego bucket you keep with you." Constance snapped. Sadie grinned.

"So you, what, send us into the world of Cinderella, we help save her or whatever, and then everything is okay?" Sadie asked.

Constance glanced at the two. "Um, yes, more or less. Anyway," she continued quickly, "I think 'saving' was the wrong word to use. You see, Cinderella's fairy godmother has been kidnapped by Entropy. She's another one with powers that Entropy wanted for herself."

Sadie, EnchantedWhere stories live. Discover now