First Sight

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A dream you dream alone is just a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

-John Lennon

"Lisa get up. Your father is downstairs and he is asking for you. Get up, darling. Come on, dear." A voice tried to wake Lisa up from her deep slumber. She gently opened her eyes to see her maid, Elena besides her trying to wake her up. Elena had always been the second mother figure to Lisa, helping her and comforting her whenever possible.

"I am up; I am up" Lisa answered as she rubbed her eyes from her palms. As usual, she hugged Elena greeting her good morning.

"How did you sleep, darling?" Elena asked as she returned the hug, gently creasing Lisa's hair.

Lisa didn't want her to be upset so she just nodded and smiled at her, letting her know that she was fine and everything else as well. Satisfied with her answer Elena told her to freshen up and get downstairs where her father was waiting for her to join him in breakfast. As soon as Elena walked out of the room, Lisa knew what she had to deal with today. But she was rather more confident today than yesterday. She was not going to let her mother down; she will not stop looking for the light. She immediately washed herself up, getting dressed to meet her father. She knew how her father hated people who are late, and at this time she didn't want him to lecture her for another half an hour.

"Good morning Lisa" She was greeted by her father sitting on the dining table already having his breakfast. This was unusual for her, as her father was not the type of person who did greetings.

"Morning, dad" Lisa answered as she sat down on the other seat which was next to her father. Elena smiled at Lisa and put down a plate of pancakes for her. Elena's food was her weakness; she couldn't help but eat every piece of it and moaning on every bite. As she took a fork to start with her food her father spoke up.

"You better watch that Lisa. Nobody wants a fat girl as there wife. You are lucky, you have me to save you from such rejection." Liam told her daughter with an emotionless face. Lisa wasn't able to raise the fork towards her mouth. Her father's word had hurt her badly, but of course, this was not the first time.

"Yes, father" Lisa answered putting down her fork.

"Anyways, the Arthur's will visit the office today and they want to meet you. Ian will also be there so you both can meet at least once before the marriage and the elders can discuss the conditions and agreement regarding this contract. Now you will be coming to the office with me today." Her father informed her in a casual tone as if he was talking to an object.

"But father I have my exhibition today and I ha-"

"Lisa! I just told you that this is important and they have requested for you to be there, so you will be present. End of the discussion!" Liam shouted at his daughter who was now scared of her father, who continued to order her senselessly.

"Okay" She answered getting up from her seat and walking behind her father who was already out of the house. She could only pray for everything to go well.

Elena watched the whole scene; she couldn't help but pray that Lisa would receive the love she deserves. Someone who could love and hold her for a lifetime and never once let a tear fall down her cheeks.

Little did she know; the man had already entered her life.


"Behave yourself today Lisa. This deal is important; I don't want Ian to reject you at the very first sight. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, father, I do" Lisa answered turning her attention to her lap, where she played with her fingers. She couldn't help but wonder that what it would be like to have someone love you and appreciate you for your small achievements. She had watched her friends fall in love and building themselves their own life, where they were the only one to matter to each other. Even though she didn't have a large group of friends but the two or three she had were now settled and having a great life.

"They are here. Don't screw it up Lisa, I am warning you." Her father warned her strictly as he got up from his seat to make his way towards the door. As soon as the door opened, she saw a man in his late 60's walking inside and greeting her dad. He had a big smile on his face and a strong jaw. By his appearance, anybody could tell that he was a charmer in his teenage days.

"Mr. Arthur, welcome; please come in and have a seat. It's such a pleasure to see you." Her father spoke to the person who she now knew was Mr. James Arthur.

"The pleasure is all mine, Liam. He answered to Lisa's father.

"And who might this young lady be?" He asked Liam walking towards Lisa and gently shaking her hand.

"Hi sir, I am Lisa." She answered with a warm smile.

"You are even lovelier than in the pictures Lisa. And sir, Come on now, call me James. Don't make me feel so old." The man laughed complimenting Lisa.

"Of course sir, sorry I mean James." Lisa couldn't help but smile in front of the man who was already making her feel like his daughter, something his own father wasn't able to give her.

"Good. Now may I introduce you to my son, Ian, come on in son" James gestured towards the door.

Lisa couldn't believe her eyes, as she saw Ian Arthur enter the office. He was the definition of perfection, with his jet black hair and baby blue eyes. He walked in with confidence and smiled at her father showing her perfectly visible dimples on either side of his cheeks. She couldn't get herself to remove her eyes from the person in front of her. As soon as his blue eyes met her, she could already feel the earth shaking underneath her. She didn't even notice as the perfect model figure walked towards her and was now standing in front of her.

"And you must be Lisa. Hi, I am Ian, it's a pleasure to meet you." The man spoke with a strong voice as he took Lisa's hand and placed a kiss on its back.

The trouble had just begun.

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