I'll Never Forget You

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"So, what's the big news then?"Pete asked and turned his gaze to me. "Did you---?"he started but I cut him off. "No, not yet anyways,"I spoke before he could finish. "Pete, hush up will ya?"Joe said and threw a pillow at him. He caught it and faked being hurt for a moment. "I know it's been awhile since tour and I've been talking to management. We leave in three weeks. That's why I invited you all. All Time Low is coming as well, but they couldn't make it tonight. They're starting out really well. Who knows maybe it'll do us all some good to travel?"Brendon said. Pete gaped at him.

"We're going on tour. Why the secrecy?"Pete asked, finally breaking free from his shock. "I wasn't sure it would work out so I wanted a definite before I said anything. Ryleigh is coming, too. She's not playing though,"Brendon explained. I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself. Sarah squeezed my shoulder gently. I hoped I wasn't wrong by going. I didn't want to let them down but I wanted to try to remember.

Three weeks passed by quickly. Brendon had many different meetings to finalize tour details. I didn't go to many of those even though he invited me. I slept a lot. I was excited to meet All Time Low. I'm not sure if I had previously or not. Everything was getting blurred together. I'll have an appointment set up for another scan for my head when tour ends.

I packed all of the things I needed and a few that I didn't the night before. I always left it last minute according to Brendon and Sarah. Sarah had made some pasta for dinner and then left me to pack. She came in and said goodnight. Brendon came soon after and reminded me we had to get up and on the road at 4 in the morning.

Sarah was coming along for the first few weeks anyways to make sure I did okay. This is a little out of my normal schedule but it was in my previous schedule before I lost my memories. Bogart and Penny climbed into my lap as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

"Ryleigh?"someone whispered dangerously close to my ear over and over as they gently shook my shoulder and moved a loose piece of hair out of my face. "Hmm?"I hummed. "Ryleigh, come on. You have to get up. It's almost time to leave,"they whispered. I opened my eyes to find Josh's dangerously close to mine. I jumped.

"Sorry, Ry. I didn't mean to scare you,"he said. I nodded sleepily and stood. He stepped outside for a moment. I put on a black tank top and sports bra then one of Tyler's oversized hoodies I stole. I didn't bother to change my sweatpants. I opened the door. "You ready?"he asked. I nodded and he took my suitcase downstairs. Sarah handed me a muffin and small bottle of sweet tea.

Kala was taking care of Bogart and Penny. If she wanted to come up then Jenna or Meagan said they would swing by. I climbed in the backseat with Josh and Tyler. Brendon was driving and Sarah was in the passenger seat. Everyone else was carpooling and meeting us there.

I fell asleep again in the car. Josh carried me to our bus. "Brings back old times, huh?"Tyler asked Josh. "Yeah,"he whispered. I was laid down on something soft and for a few hours more there was nothing but sleep and the sound of Sarah and the guys talking in the background. Someone covered me with a blanket. I woke up sometime later. I had a strange dream.

"Hey, hon, miss me much?"the evil voice of my father rang out around me. "No! No! No!"I screamed. "Oh, yes,"he said. Then he appeared out of nowhere in front of me. He slapped me hard. I fell and grasped my cheek that stung. "You, bitch, you're just like your mother. A worthless piece of shit,"he snarled and spit in my face. "No, you're wrong!"I yelled back and tried to find strength to stand. I tried to fight but he pulled a gun. It all went black.

I sat up too quickly, gasping for breath, and hit my head on something solid. "Ow!"I said too loudly. It was just a dream I tried to assure myself but it felt so real. What was that? Maybe it's just tonight. We are playing in what was supposedly old hometown city. The tour started on the east coast so that's where we were. I took a deep breath to try to push back the tears but I couldn't. They fell anyways.

"Hey, Ry? You awake? Are you okay?"Dallon asked. I tried to contain my sob but couldn't and it slipped out, loud and ugly. I turned away but Dallon pulled back the curtain and rubbed my back. "Hey, hey, it's okay,"he soothed. I just sobbed again. I was haunted by the things I remember and the things I didn't. He let me cry it out. I turned to face him when I finished. He helped me down and hugged me. I sniffled. Thankfully, he didn't question me.

"Hey, Dallon, I'm kinda hungry,"I said after a few minutes. "Wait, no more,"he said and went to pull me behind him. "Wait, do I look like I was crying?"I asked. He turned and looked at me seriously. "No, you don't. You look strong,"he said. I wasn't sure I could believe him but trusted his judgement. The rest of the bus was empty. "Where is everyone?"I asked.

"I told them I would stay. We arrived a few hours ago. They were exploring then coming back to the venue,"he said. I nodded. He picked up his wallet and then wrote a small note on a pad by the door. "Let's go,"he said. "Where to?"I asked.

"McDonald's. You said you were hungry,"he said and raised an eyebrow. I followed him out the door. He bought me a large sweet tea, some fries and chicken nuggets. He enjoyed a yogurt parfait, claiming he wasn't that hungry yet. When we were done, we returned to the bus. Everyone else was already back.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now