Chapter 60: Know Now

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I was on the phone talking to my dad making sure everything was okay. He didn't like the aftermath of the medication that he was on and hasn't been taking it.It was a weird situation for me who was I to tell someone with cancer they better take their medicine regardless if it makes them uncomfortable. I was paying for everything and in the back of my mind I hated that it was being wasted. "I'll talk to your doctor to see-

"I got it Josie, I'll see if they can change my medication" he sighed. I looked down at Ricky falling asleep between my legs. I was sitting on the counter and he made his way towards me, he literally laid his head on the table with his hands wrapped against my waist. He always act like a baby he lays on me more than my damn son. "Sorry, I just want you to be healthy" I sighed. "I know, well um I have a little money in my pocket now maybe I can take you and Morgan out for dinner. You would have to get me though" he chuckled. "Yeah, sure just let me know" I said. This was his third time mentioning dinner and he has yet to initiate anything. "Okay I will, I'll talk to you soon" he said

"Talk to you soon" I said before hanging up. I felt myself getting emotional it's like every time I got off the phone with my father or came home from taking him to one of his appointments I get upset. It just hurts and I don't know if I should tell him I feel again with a little more aggression or what. Would it change the predicament that were in now? I sighed "Please get up" I spoke. "Ummumm" he mumbled. "Come on don't we have an engagement party to go to" I said. He slowly opened his blood shot eyes. "You aint even dressed so what you talking about girl" he said laying his head back down. "I'm trying too but you're in my way" I laughed. "You're comfortable as fuck" he mumbled before getting up. I jumped off the table walking behind him. I stayed over for a few nights but I wasn't going to move back in so quickly. I think it's best for us to have our space in between. I walked into his bathroom opening my face mask. I felt his hands wrap around my waist, his hands raised up caressing my breasts. "Ricky, were going to be late" I said. I felt him press up against me. "Just a quickie, you know you want it" he said kissing the side of my neck. Now I see why women don't leave this guy alone the way he makes you feel, he was sending chills up and down my body. My eyes rolled to the back of my head I bit my lip. "No, there's no time" I whined. "Later" I promised. "Okay okay, now let me shower in peace" I pushed him out. "You gon push me out my own bathroom? He asked. "Yes, because you'll try it... again" I chuckled locking the door. Once I finished showering I stepped out the bathroom already in my bra and panties for some reason I still wasn't comfortable getting dressed in front of him everything happened to fast. "Why don't you never wear your real hair out? He asked looking at my curls dripping. I had to blow this and throw it in a bun. He noticed? "I just don't feel like dealing with my real hair sometimes" I said. He ran his hands through it sniffing it "It smells like strawberries" he said before walking in the bathroom. I laughed "Wow" I said getting dressed. I blushed a little his remarks were cute and refreshing seeing how we started. He reminded me of that bad kid you know that tries to say nice things to you but it unintentionally comes off inappropriate or awkward sometimes. I'm learning that he was just like Dreux but more serious of course.

We arrived at his home to see it nicely decorated. "Does she even know? I asked him. "No, she just thinks it's a baby shower" he answered. We walked inside Ricky has never seen Dreux's house filled with this many people. The whole first floor was filled with black and silver balloons and drapes, two chefs and a small band. "Okay bro" Ricky said impressed. "Uncle Ricky" Kamara said jumping on him. "Hey Mara" he hugged her. "I missed you" he said kissing her cheek. "I miss you more, we were supposed to hang out" she frowned. If this wasn't Morgan's twin then I don't know who was; they literally act just alike. I smiled watching them two he loved the kids. "My bad princess, I got a lot going on, let's go out tomorrow" he promised. "Okay" she smiled as he placed her down. "Hi Morgan" she said

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