Chapter 12

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The afterlife was warm and snuggly. I frowned when the afterlife shifted and then grumbled that I was too hot. Sitting up with a gasp, I instantly regretted it. My head pounded hard, as I winced with the pain, I looked around me.

I was in the limo, Nisha was seated in her usual spot, watching me with amusement.

"Welcome to the land of the undead."

"We're not undead, Nish."

Turning to Alaric who was beneath me, my frown deepened.

"What the hell?"

He smiled wickedly from his position, laying on the leather seat. His hair was ratty from being wet. The bare torso had three patches that were tapped to the clean body. He was repaired.

"I was a little naughty, I hope that you can forgive me."

My lips pressed tight as my eyes narrowed.

"What did you do?"

"I turned you."

"Land of the undead," Nisha exclaimed.

Alaric rolled his eyes, a sly grin on his face.

"So, I'm a vampire now?"

He nodded.

"Am I in trouble?"

"Not for this but for getting shot five times, yeah, you totally are."

Nisha scoffed. "Wait till tomorrow."

I frowned and turned back to Alaric who was scowling at his sister.

"What's tomorrow?"

"We didn't get everyone on the list."

I shifted back on the seat, Alaric did the same but winced when he moved.

"How many?"


"And the others?"

"Must have realized what was going on which will make tomorrow harder."

"And tonight wasn't?" I snapped. "I had to die to save you."

"Told you she'd be pissed."

Alaric scowled at Nisha. Moments like these made me grateful I didn't have a sibling. Then there were moments that I saw how good it was and realized that it was something that I'd never understand.

"Enough. We're going to be fine. They don't know who the attacker is so we'll walk in like we're friends."


"It's in our nature, Nish. Why does this surprise you?"

She said nothing in response, gazing out the window in a vain attempt at ignoring her brother.

"So, we've got another night of you trying to kill yourself? Not sure if you've realized it yet but I can't die for you a second time. And how can you do anything with those wounds?"

Alaric pulled one of them off and showed the repaired skin. He had a smug look on his face, all I could do was shake my head in mild disgust.

"This is not a game."

"I never said it was."

"But you act like it is. You can't just burst into the room again."

"Why not? It's worked two nights in a row."

"Great. I'm staying in the limo."

Turning to Nisha, I earned a confused frown.

Crimson Flame ~ Book 1 - The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now