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I burst through a set of clear doors that led outside and slid to a stop. I didn't know where to go from here. I couldn't tell which direction Jack's house would be. I didn't even know where I was. I'd been unconscious when I was brought here.

I whirled around, taking in the building I'd just come out of. It was covered in beige bricks and was two stories high. It didn't look like a normal doctors office though, which confused me. Who really were these people?

I heard shouting and saw Eva and Jaycee open the doors I'd just come through.

I turned and broke into a run again, not knowing or caring where I was going. I entered the woods and I just hoped I was going at least somewhat towards my house.

Instead, a few moments later, the woods thinned and I found myself in the front yard of a mansion. Literally.

It was by far the biggest house I'd seen, standing what appeared to be three stories tall — although I'm sure there was more I couldn't see from here. The exterior walls were partially a cobblestone pattern and partially painted pale yellow. The roof matched the color of the cobblestone and big windows covered a lot of the spacing. The yard was adorned with bush gardens and a tile stone path that led from the circular driveway to the set of the double doors. I wasn't one hundred percent sure if this was the front of the massive house, or the back, but based on the circle drive I was standing next to, it appeared to be the front. Either way, it was absolutely beautiful.

I was so caught up in the house I was staring at that I didn't realize someone caught up to me. An arm wrapped around my waist and I nearly had a heart attack.

"Eirenae, what are you doing? You shouldn't be running like that."

I looked up to find Scary Guy standing there and holding me to him. Sparks danced around where his arm brushed against mine as I grappled with it in fear as I tried to get him off of me.

"What were you running from?"

I shook my head. I wasn't running from anything, I was running to something. I needed my box!

I fought and squirmed, trying to get out of his incredibly strong grip, but it was useless. He was way stronger than me.

Finally slumping against him, I burst into tears. I was exhausted, stressed, confused, and scared. This was how my body was dealing with everything. Great, just what I needed.

He immediately softened and moved his hands to my shoulders, turning me around gently so I that was facing him. He pulled me into a hug, a hug that made me feel safe, warm, and comfort. Something I haven't felt in a while. And honestly, that scared me more than him grabbing me in the first place, just in a completely different way.

After a few long moments, he pulled back and took out his phone, going to the notes app. "Tell me what's wrong." He told me softly, handing me the device.

I took it and carefully typed the word box.

"Box?" He asked, obviously puzzled. "What do you mean?"

So I typed: My box. At home. It's important.

"Oh!" He said, "if that's what's making you so upset right now, why don't I go get it for you. Would you like that?"

I thought for a moment. I would like the box back. I needed that box. However, I felt like I should go with, to make sure it's in my hands and nothing happens to it. He didn't know what exactly he's getting, what it looked like, what was inside that was so important to me.

As if he could read my mind, his voice deepened protectively. "Don't think about coming with. You need to rest, and while I don't know what you've been going through, I know going back there is not a good idea." He tilted my chin up so I met his eyes again.

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