49. New Start

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Zaan's pov:

I was shocked when I saw Maahi's father and brother entered the room.

What are they doing here?

Maahi's father said,"We are here to see my grand daughter."

I was shocked like why he is behaving like nothing happened?

I took Zara in my arms and went closer to them but I was hesitant to give her to them. Allah knows what will they do. They are crazy people.

He said,"Can I take her in my arms?"

I was in dilemma what to do when I heard Maahi say,"No..Stay away from her."

Uncle walked towards her and sat on chair beside her bed.

He said,"Maahi, I am sorry. I hurt you. I just wanted best for you. You are my daughter. As a parent I have forgiven all your mistakes. Are you not going yo forgive your father?"

She said,"You tried to break my marraige. How can I let this go?"

He sighed and said,"That Faraz filled our ears against Zaan. We thought je was mistreating you. We are really sorry. Please forgive us."

I don't know what's going on in her mind but I can see her eyes soften.

She said,"But you were saying something else that day like I am flying too high. You want to bring me back on earth."

He said,"Maahi, I was angry. Even after what Zaan did you wanted to stay with him. That's insane. I know we did wrong. That's why we are here asking for your forgiveness."

She looked at me. I nodded my head at her.

She said,"I forgive you."

Her dad took her in his arms and said,"Thank you beta."

Aneekh, Maahi's brother's didn't say much except for congratulating me and Maahi. He was just standing beside his dad.

I wish Ammi was here. Once doctor diacharge Maahi I will take Zara to meet Ammi.

Weeks passed by and now Zara is of 2 months. Maahi's health is recovered now. She wanted to visit Maan bhai as it's been long time. She has not gone anywhere since her birth. She has stopped her college when she was 4 months pregnant. She told me she will continue her studies next year. She don't want to risk our baby. I didn't like the idea. I don't want her to sacrifice her dreams for us but She convinced me that this what she wants. Anyway Doctor also told her to take rest and not to stress at that time so I agreed with her. Finally After two months of our daughter's birth, she is healthy now.

We went to the hospital. As usual doctor told me that everything is fine with Maan bhai but he just don't wnat to wake up. He has no desire to live. That hurts..so what Jiya left him. We are here. Me, Mumma. Are not we his family? Is Jiya only one he want to live for? But when I try to think from his perspective. If Maahi leaves me for someone else then I don't know how I will be.

After talking to doctor I went inside. Zara is crying non stop. I don't understand what happened.

Ammi spoke to me for the first time in months. She said,"Who is the baby?"

I said,"Maahi and I's daughter."

She took Zara in her arms and said,"She has Maan's eyes"

I wanted to correct her saying she has my eyes as it sounds too absurd to hear but then let it go.

She said,"She is replica of Maahi except for eyes."

Zara was calm when she was with Ammi.

She placed Zara beside Maan bhai and said,"Meet you bade papa. Please tell him to wake up. "

Zara started crying again and what surprised us is Maan bhai moved his hand.

We called doctor and he told that it's good sign and we should bring Zara yo hospital often. In two days Maan bhai came out of coma. He always insist that Zara stay with him in hospital.

Even when he recovered and came back home. Zara was always with him. At first I was okay as Maan bhai was recovering because of Zara but I miss her. She is my daughter and I didn't get to spend much time with her.

Maahi's pov:

I came to living room from kitchen and saw Zaan looking longingly at Zara who is playing with Maan bhai in his arms. I can't believe my princess is of six months now.

I fell bad for Zaan because I get to spend time with Zara when I was bathing her, feeding her, getting her ready but Zaan he gets very less time with her but I can't tell anything to Maan bhai because doctor told us that his recovery is fast due to Zara.

I walked and sat beside Zaan.

He wrapped his arm around me and said,"I think we need to plan another baby soon."

I gasped at his words and said,"Zaan, you are joking, right?"

He smiled and said,"Ofcourse sweetheart. You need to be strong to take care of the baby."

I said,"I know you want to spend time with Zara."

He said,"Yes I do but Maan bhai's health is more important."

I nodded and took me in his arms.

It's been a year and Maan bhai resumed his position in office and Zaan's burden is lessened.

Zaan is happy because he gets lot of time which he spends with Zara.

Once Maan bhai comes from office which is very late. He plays with Zara for sometime and then goes to bed.

It feels like he got back into his old routine. Work..work..work..leaving early morning and coming late at nights, frequent business trips but in all this he always took time for Zara. His princess as he calls her.

Zaan was playing with Zara when I came and sat beside him.

He was making Zara to say,"Papa"

Zara was smiling but didn't say anything.

Zaan said,"She is stubborn just like you. Never listens to me."

I said,"No..it took after you. You are more stubborn than me."

Zaan said,"You"

I said,"You."

We were fighting just when someone knocked on our room.

Maan bhai came inside and said,"Am I disturbing something?"

Zaan said,"No, bhai we were just...arguing" He said the last word in wishper.

Maan bhai said,"Okay."

He took Zara in his arms and said,"Come princess. We will go out. Let your parents argue in peace."

Just then Zara said,"Pa".

Both Maan bhai and Zaan looked at her expectantly for whom did she call pa.

Zaan said,"Finally she called me Pa"

Maan bhai said,"I think she said to me. I was teaching her to say bade papa from long time. She must have said pa short for that."

They both started arguing over this.

Zaan said,"Princess tell your bade papa that you were calling me 'pa'"

Maan said,"Princess tell your papa that you were calling me 'pa'"

Zara looked at both of them and extended her hands towards me.

She said,"Ma"

I said,"She definitely called me ma"

I took Zara in my arms and said,"Let's go baby. Let the brothers argue in peace"

I left from there leaving both of them shocked.

Hope you are enjoying :)

Only Epilouge is left now. I will update this on weekend.

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