3 - A Case to Cure Boredom and Onesided Love

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Sherlock kept figeting in his seat, making the usually short cab ride to Scotland Yard seem even longer. John watched as his knee bobbed up and down, while his fingers drummed on his thigh to a beat only Sherlock could hear. He hadn't seen him this excited since, well, since they'd last had a case. Whatever the case was he hoped it was good, to cure not only Sherlock's boredom but his own, maybe if he was distracted he wouldn't think too much about the other man. Maybe. At the very least he hoped it would  stop Sherlock from performing any more experients in the kitchen, he was growing tired of finding feet in the microwave or severed heads in the fridge. 

When they got to Scotland Yard, Sherlock jumped out of the cab, leaving John to pay the driver as usual. He stepped out and sighed, following Shelock down the familiar path to Lestrade's office. By the time he got there they were already in deep conversation, heads hunched over staring at several open case files on Lestrade's desk. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but Sherlock suddenly spun around on his heels, leaving the room followed closely by a determined Lestrade, who was followed less closely by a confused Doctor Watson.

John followed, climbing into the back of yet another cab with Sherlock. 

"Where are we going?" He asked. 

Sherlock didn't bother to look at John when he answered, or move his eyes away from the window, "Crime scene." Was all he said. 

John rolled his eyes, not that Sherlock would have seen him anyway. "I know that, but where is the crime scene?"

"The public library."

The public library? They were going to a crime scene at the library, what crime could possibly be commuted there? Overdue book fines? 

Before John knew it they were in the back of another cab, making their way to the London Public Library. 

"So what exactly is the case?" John queried. 

"Murder, John, murder."

"Well I know that, but how, why the library?" 

Sherlock sighed, not wanting to explain it to John, the explanation would probably slow down his deductions. John was prepared to obtain no response from Sherlock, until he spoke, taking him aback. "A man was kidnapped and tortured, the cause of death a bullet through the brain, surprisingly Anderson was smart enough to deduce that. The man's body was dumped outside the public library, the police don't know where he was killed or by who, which is where we come in." 

John nodded along, asking the necessary questions as the cab slowed to a stop. Apparently the man had been one of three victims who died under similar circumstances, and the police were unable to form a connection between them. 

When the cab pulled up Sherlock hoped out, waiting for John to pay before sprinting off towards the library. They rounded the building to a wide lane way on the side, still very open and visible to the road and passing foot traffic. 

The body was no longer there, although the crime scene was still very much evident. Police tape was still displayed, and there was a  bloodstain on the concrete. 

"What can you deduce John?" 

"Um - well, he wasn't killed here, going by the amount of blood, but there is still a fair amount, so they must have moved him here right after he died. He was still bleeding when they put him here, so wherever he was killed was close by." John was certain he had missed almost every detail Sherlock had picked up. 

"Very good John, anything else?" 

The corners of John's mouth pricked up into a smile and he felt his face get a little bit hotter. Sherlock had complimented him, well, almost, but he'd take almost. 

"Hmmm, the body is in a very public place, it wouldn't have been here long before someone found it."

"Yes," Sherlock said, running a hand through his hair, "they wanted the body to be seen, but why?" 

Sherlock held the brown case file in his hand out to John, "hold this."

John watched Sherlock crouch down, examining the blood and it's surroundings. He flicked through the file Sherlock had given him, there was something odd about the victim, something fimiliar, that he couldn't quite place his finger on. 



"The victim, I think I've seen him somewhere before."

Sherlock bent down, placing a small metal object into an evidence bag. If he heard what John said he had no reaction, already dismissing it as unimportant. 

"John, lets go." Sherlock practically shouted, bounding towards the street in search of a cab.

"Sherlock where are we going?" John yelled back, jogging to keep but with the taller man. 

He watched Sherlock flag down a cab, jumping inside, "the morgue, I need to see the body."

"Oh okay, if you don't mind I think I will sit this one out, go back to Baker Street and get ready for work, night shift at the practice, remember?"

With nothing but a nod from Sherlock in reply the cab took off, leaving John alone on the sidewalk.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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