Chapter 33

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Clyde Pov:

At that moment, I know that every effort that I put to make Meghan shut up just gone. I could feel my blood drained from my body and looking at Willow's face wet because of her tears makes my heart hurt like a thousand of knife stabbing me.

Meghan just stepped up her game and makes everything that I have with Willow more going down the hill. The next thing I know, I come toward Willow hoping that she would listen to me but when I'm about to reach her hand, she flinched and the next thing I know her hand going to my cheek.

I know I deserves that after all I did to her.

"How---Why---" Willow asked me.

I can't look at her face. This is not what I imagine when she know about the truth behind all this mess.

"Willow, please listen to me. I can explain it."I said to her and look into her eyes. I could see her mind running like a gear.

Willow just shaking her head," I just need one answer. Is it true? That you are using to get into your inheritance?" she asked me.

Well, I want to be honest to her but I know this will cost me everything. I nod my head and at that second I see Willow breaking down in front of me, crying her heart out. I never realize how far this gone and how much terrible I am for hurting her. Someone that I share all about my family's dark secret.

I hear Sky, Nadine, Becca and Shawn come out and I could see how hurt they are and how they feel so betrayed with me. Sky is the one who come and hug Willow, when she just almost fainting. Sean is helping Sky bring Willow back to her room when Becca comes to me. Nadine tried to hold her before Becca come and slap me.

I still deserved that.


She punch me while Nadine just stared at me and shaking her head. Everyone just disappointed with me. Becca now is gone to go inside. It's just me and Nadine.

"Clyde...I—I don't know what to say except, I know you feel regret for everything that you keep from her. I understand that you want to protect her but I told you about how sneaky Meghan is, right?" Nadine asked me.

Now I'm just shaking my head, "I've lost everything. I am regret for not listen to you to tell her sooner about this fucking inheritance and all my plans for Meghan, Nad. I just lost my love, my future wife...I –I don't even have any fucking idea how to make her want to listen to me. To explains all of this."

Nadine now hugging me, "You will find a way. Remember, Sky will be got a hell lot of problem from here too. Just give her a time. You know you could talk to Ian, he knows about this after all."

I just nod my head and Nadine bring me back to the party where everyone just looking at us.


Nadine just looked at me startled and I keep walking. I feel my breath getting short and I need to go to my room like now.

Oh my God, Willow I am so sorry for everything.

I don't know if I could fix this but please help me God...Just this once. Let her give me one more chance and I will do anything for her to be happy for the rest of my life.

Willow Pov:

I talked to Sky all night and he knows everything but it is not his place to tell me.
Honestly, I feel betrayed with everything but I could never trust Clyde anymore even though I could feel my heart is so damn hurt.

This morning, me and Becca decide that we should go to airport first only because I know that Meghan and Clyde will be there and I can't stand it.

Our flight back to home is the longest flight ever and I feel like I am drained, I am so done.


"What are you gonna do next?" asked Becca to me when we wait for our bags. I shrugged my shoulders, "I will talk to my father. I wonder if he knows anything about this and I will ask him to call off this wedding."I told her and taking a deep breath.

"What if they won't do that?"

"I think you will help me to runaway this time." I said and Becca nodded her head, agreeing with me. 

In front of arrival gate, I see my dad's driver holding a white board with my name and Sky. I give him my bags and hugging Becca, her mom come to picking her up. I sit on my car waiting for Sky when the driver comes and start the car.

"Where is Sky?" I asked him.

"Master said that he will drive with Mr. Anderson."

I nodded my head and my car start to get out from the airport. I see Clyde on my way out who about to get inside his car together with Sky and Nadine but I only look at him with a blank stare. I could see his face look like someone just murder his dog but I don't care.

Of course you care about him.

I don't because he hurt me so badly. He is using me.

Even though he hurt you, but deep down in your heart, you are always hoping there is another valid reasons why he done that.

I shook my head and decide that I need more sleep.

It is time to confront my father and ask him call off the wedding.

During my way to my home, I can't close my fucking eyes and sleep with peace. My thought is full with everything that Meghan told about Clyde and I can't keep my mind to stop thinking about it. My attention stops at the ring on my ring finger.

My engagement ring, Clyde. I close my eyes and decide that it's time to give it back to Clyde through Mr. John, my dad's driver who driving me home.

I look for a paper and pen to write a message for Clyde about why I want to give it back the ring to him and told him that I will talk to my dad to call off the wedding.

Dear Clyde...

I don't know what I feel right now except that I feel so betrayed and so disappointed with everything that happen. It's not with you I'm angry at but also with myself because I'm letting you to hurt me.

I already know everything that I need to know and I am glad that I'm able to help you to get to your inheritance even though I hope we could talk about it and I will help you gladly.

Right now, I return this engagement ring to you because I don't see any reasons why I need to keep it. This ring is yours and I will give it back to you and I will ask my parents to call off the wedding.

I can't let myself getting into a loveless marriage, that's not what I want for myself.

Until then I am wishing you a happy life. I hope that you will meet someone that really makes you happy and head over heels in love with.

Willow Woods

I fold the paper and tuck it in the engagement ring. I can't stop my tears but I need to do this to give me some closure before I could move on from all of this madness that Clyde bring.

"John, could you please give this ring back to Clyde after you dropping me?" I asked John.

Mr. John now looking at me with his pity stare, "I will, Ms." He replied after a minute and I nod my head.

I think this is it. I end everything.


Chapter 33!!!!

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Until then bubbye 👋👋👋

M.F 😘😘😘

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