Part 1

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Hay guys presenting the first chapter of the story....Enjoy reading....


Three Days Later

The ETF conference room was filled with excited voices of the officers as they happily chatted away because they had no work.

Chotu- I wish aaj koyi case naa aaye

Sakshi- Same, after all this hard work we deserve some free time don't we?

Shree- I completely agree

Liza- Waise Ayesha is very lucky

Ayesha- why?

Liza- because you can ask for holiday whenever you want as Rathod sir will never say no to you

she said winking at the others. A slight blush appeared on Ayesha's cheeks while the others burst out laughing and high fied each other. Their excitement soon went down in the drain when the two bosses came into the room announcing a case.

Rathod- Guys we have a case

Sakshi- What is the case Sameer?

Rathod threw a file onto the table and Sakshi picked it up.

Rathod- We have to provide protection to a lawyer.

Arjun- But why us? I mean police and bodyguards are there then why us?

Rathod- I said the exact same thing to commissioner sir but it is a high profile case he said and was adamant that ETF does this task

Arjun- Who is he? I mean the lawyer

Rathod- It is a she, anyways I will let you know the details later but we have to leave immediately and till we are not done with this case we have to stay at her house so pack some clothes also. Now leave come back in half an hour with your stuff and then we will leave for the lawyers house.

All nodded and left after half an hour all of them arrived in the office and left for the lawyers house. When they neared the no when they neared the bungalow the gates were opened and the SUV pulled up in front of the door. The team got out and rang the bell.

Rathod- Shree park the SUV and them come

Shree nodded, took the keys and went to park the SUV while the others were greeted by a worker of the house.

Worker- Yes?

Rathod- wo hum ETF se hai

Worker- Ji aaye

The worker made way for them and the team entered the house. They were offered water and seated themselves on the couches. Chotu looked around the bungalow and whispered to Sakshi.

Chotu- What a house yaar

Sakshi- I know right so pretty

That is when the heard footsteps descending the staircase they looked up to see a beautiful girl in her mid twenties coming down wearing a bluish-greenish top and jeans.

The team stood up as she neared them

Riya- Hi am Riya Mukherjee, and you all must be ETF right?

Rathod- Yes, I am ETF chief ACP Sameer Dhamsingh Rathore, nice to meet you Ms. Mukherjee

He extended his hand and Riya took it great fully

Riya- Don't need to be too formal you can call me Riya

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