Feel Like Dying

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Waking up Monday morning was a bittersweet feeling. I loved spending my entire weekend with Trent (besides when Jax and Austin came over), but walking into school had me feeling uneasy. Like something bad was gonna happen.

During first period, Trent texted me. I snuck out my phone and opened up his message. Though it wasn't a text, but a picture... of the lower half of him exposed.

I gasped and almost dropped my phone.

"Is there a problem, Justin?" my teacher asked.

"N-no," I stuttered, my face probably fifty shades of crimson. "C- can I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

She allowed me and I never rushed out of a classroom faster in my life.

Today 7:40AM

Trent WTH?! I opened
that in class!!

Trent has a study hall for his first period class and half the time he skips it. Based on the picture; he skipped and is currently in his bed.

P: I'm bored. You gonna
send something back?

Since we're hooking up in secret, Trent thought it would be smart to save our contact name with the first letter of our last name. P for Trent Porter. He's just paranoid, but I went along with it.

Anxiousness and excitement ran through me as I thought about his question. It was only me in the bathroom, but still, sexting? I'm not as comfortable with my body as Trent clearly is.

Ah fuck it.

I took my hoodie then t-shirt off and lowered my jeans a little bit then took a picture of myself through the bathroom mirror. After examining it and retaking it a billion times, I sent it.

After nervously waiting, the text bubbles popped up and soon after Trents text appeared.

P: Is that the best
you can do?

I'm at school!

P: No fun :(

Meet me in the
auditorium during
fourth and you'll
see more than that.

P: Mmm can't wait 👅💦

I shook my head, smiling, then headed back to class after putting my clothes back on.


I ended up getting through the first two periods without a single person harassing me, but as I was on my way to third, I was shoved to the ground.

I yelped as I hit the floor, skidding my knees and palms. I looked up and saw Austin towering over me. He bent down, grabbed a hold of my backpack straps, and— with great force—  brought me back onto my feet. (Curse my small, frail body!). Austin pinned me against a locker. Jax looking amused while Trent stood nonchalant.

"Haven't seen you all morning," Austin spoke. "I thought I—" he stopped mid sentence when he looked down. Austin drew his eyebrows together in confusion. "Wait a second..."

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