Prince of Knights Chp8

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Salam, hope you guys like and enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the mistakes. Picture of Badr on the side. Let me know what you guys think about this chapter in your COMMENTS and don't forget to VOTE!!!



~*~*~Some are like the Moon, good looking, but only when they're away from you ~*~** Nizar Qabbani.

Half a moon sailed over the desert like a deserted ship ever since Raghad encountered her spouse Faris, and every night haunted dreams clawed at her brain. The disinclined bride did not desire to take part whenever her dearest mother chose heavenly gowns for her daughter or ordered gowns from her brothers to fetch them from Yemen or Saudi Arabia. Umm Badr implored her daughter now and then to wear the gowns, at first Raghad denied but when she witnessed the vanquished look in her mother's eyes she acceded.

Raghad did not smile nor did she eat well. It had been traumatic days since she uttered a word to her beloved father. Her knight Badr, Noof and Maha were the only ones who heard her voice a word or two. Every forenoon that approached brought her closer to her doomed fate, the mere thought felt as if needles, sharp needles were rammed straight in her heart.

Tomorrow was said to be the hapless day where she will belong to that man. Their fates were to knot, the unfortunate day of her nikah. Sheikh Mubarak had demanded for the nikah to take place as soon as possible to seal their agreement. However, the feast of their wedding was still unannounced and that declaration solely fall on Sheikh Faisal.

Raghad served breakfast for her blessed family with a shattered heart. She wiped her tears and sniffed then informed her mother that she will visit the creek along with Noof. Umm Badr agreed right away when she saw the tears in Raghad's eyes. She walked out of the tent, with her shawl wrapped securely around her head, instead of going to Noof, Raghad marched out of the tribe, unescorted.

Indeed the thought of escaping had sneaked in her brain innumerable times, but not only that thought was hazards also utterly vacuous. She could easily get lost in the sheets of sand dunes, or get attacked by monsters. So she impelled that thought in pit of her brain, if she were to run, Salem would be assassinated and the same could happen to her tribe. Raghad was well aware she had nothing on her hands but to accede to this outrageous treaty.

Raghad looked over her shoulder at her tribe, she was at a far distance. The woman was exceedingly petrified, her hand clutched the scarf and walked towards the mountain range. Wind twirled around her in an intense speed just to terrify her and prevent the woman from proceeding further. When the sun rose in the sky and stared at her in awe, she climbed the mountain. Only Allah knew what dreadful peril awaited her at the summit.

For a moment she stood there and eyed the hill. This was the very hill she along with her brothers came to play years ao. At last what seemed like a few prolonged hours Raghad reached the summit, the hill was high. She sat there and observed her tribe as big tears streamed down her beautiful eyes, and blood trickled down her wounded heart in the pit of her stomach.

Raghad commenced reciting Quran in a hushed voice for a prolonged while, stopped only when sun stared directly at her. She had no food to eat as she did not possess the appetite. So Raghad sat along with her despondency and anguish. Unaware the tribe turned the world upside down in order to find her. Noof had long gone informed Badr that Raghad had not come to see her.

Badr paced back and forth near one of the fence, desperately waiting for his men to find his sister by the creek. He ceased the instant his eyes saw his knights ride to where he stood. "As-salamu Alaykum," greeted one of his men the moment his horse halted.

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