Chapter 30

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It was a fine morning of a fine day. The sun was hidden behind the clouds giving the sky a pleasant hue of grey. Noor looked up at it and smiled knowing it was going to rain. Rains were beautiful. But in the capital they were more than just that. The clouds covering the hills surrounding the city were aesthetically pleasing. And the view from the balcony would always give her a soothing feel.

To think about it, everything in her life these days was nothing short of soothing. Be it things at personal level or professional front. Izma used to always talk about hitting that point where you'd gotten a calm and peace in it. Noor felt this was that point in the twenty four years of her life.

Thinking back to the last three months, she'd realized there wasn't a moment she'd want to replace. Life was moving fine. Giving her ample time to live every moment. There was steadiness to it which wasn't there before.

After that visit to London, things had only gotten better over the weeks to come. Rayyan had started it slowly but he was working on mending his relation with his family. He had a lot of catching up to do but both Noor and Khans were with him. Saliha was the most supportive among it all. She didn't want anything out of this changed state of scenario. She just wanted her husband and kids to get the peace they rightfully deserved.

Rayyan did falter few times. It wasn't easy. Getting over his past. But Noor was with him at every step he took. He took his time but they were finally somewhere. He was at peace in his life making Noor happy. This was all she wanted from him. His peace of mind. His calm. Him to give himself a chance. Hammad also knew his son would need space but he stood by Rayyan which he failed to do so before. Abeer was so happy to know about the new development that she forgot all about the fiasco which happened on her birthday. But her brother hadn't. He not only apologized to her but arranged an other party for her as well. That gave the Khan family to get together for an other occasion and from that moment the ice between Saliha and Rayyan also started melting. He was aware of his blind hatred. There were no sorrys exchanged. Because they simply didn't need those. Rayyan was ashamed on how he had been the last few years of his life but Saliha knew it wasn't his fault. There was no point in digging up the past and make each other uncomfortable. They were picking up the broken pieces and forming their life picture once again. Noor prayed they succeed. And they were succeeding.

Noor and Rayyan's own relationship was molding into something they could called bliss. There was no other way to describe it. The more they were getting to know each other, the more they'd come to the conclusion that it was all meant to be. Since the very beginning. When they didn't even know each other. When they had no clue of each other. The emotional support they had proved for each other during their low times, had told them how natural it came to them to be there for each other. Everyday they were falling in deeper than before. And who wanted to come out of it? Them? Never.

He'd taken her to the village as well. Her family was pleasantly surprised seeing how easily they both had formed such a strong relationship. Izma couldn't stop thanking Allah Almighty for His blessing showered upon her family. Everyone was moving on. Izma herself was working hard to get her life sorted. She and Maheen were doing fine in life. Things were back to normal. Far more beautiful. Far better.

Life was beautiful once again and it was going to be like this always. Noor had a feeling it was. Circumstances were going put them into some hard times because without those, life picture isn't completed. But she knew they'd come out of everything. Stronger. Always had. Always would.

Giving a last look to the shadows of hills in the horizon and their plush back garden, she went inside the room to start with an other day. Rayyan would be in the shower right now. She had memorized his routine. But this time around she was proven wrong because he was not inside. The bathroom door was opened and his towel was also at its place. Noor was about to check his study across the hallway when she heard commotion downstairs. Sabahat had gone to her village for a few days so the only person who could be there was Mr husband. What was he up to?

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