Chapter 15: Accidents Cause People

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Chapter 15: Accidents Cause People or Is Your Refrigerator Running?

Decemeber's room. Although its not that color and the bed is bigger.

Give December a break; she doesn’t know Hunter’s intentions even though you all think you do. No cautious person would give in so easily. She’s not being vain, or conceited, or stuck up because she’s not so “easy” with Hunter. She’s scared, confused, and unsure of who this boy is and what he wants. Just thought I would put that out there, after all the comments about the non-kiss last chapter.

"Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."-Dr. Seuss

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."-Dr. Seuss


December’s Pov.(Not edited)

Hunter turned to walk back towards the car but I yelled his name to stop him. “Hunter wait!” I yelled out my window and he looked up towards the house. I snatched off my heels and ran down the stairs out the front door leaving it stretched wide open.

“Hunter, thank you.” I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He froze for a second before looking at me with a small smile. The moon was shining brightly above us and illuminating our forms. I peeked at Tristan to see he was typing into his iPhone again. His face contorted in heavy concentration his eyebrows nearly tapping each other.

“For what?” He asked his eyebrows furling. Although Hunter was a nuisance and I didn't want to tell him; I had to admit that he was pretty adorable when he was confused. The shine was hitting his face the right way and he looked somehow different in the lighting.

I was never truly afraid of Hunter as a person, more of what he was capable of. To someone who wasn't aware of his devious acts; people would probably assume he was just the out-going, goofy, fun-loving type. But I knew better. There were things about Hunter that were more dangerous than just the school pranks and fights. Something that lied with him and his brother, something that I had a feeling was going to change my life.

I blinked at him taking myself away from my roaming mind. The crescent moon was a beautiful way for the night to irradiate the setting. If I were any other girl or in a movie this would be the scene were there would be a sweet and romantic kiss; or the scene that makes up for the awkward almost kiss earlier. But this was me and that was Hunter. It wasn't going to happen.

I just smiled at him lowly and walked back into my house. I closed the front door behind me and I peeped through the small window on the wooden frame to see Hunter get back in the car with Tristan and drive off. I wondered where they were going and if they really did know that Ryan was there, but just didn't want to worry me.

I slid off the dress I was wearing for homecoming and into a tank top and pj bottoms and got into bed. It was only 10:30 and it was a Saturday, so I wasn’t really sleepy.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at my window. Now with Ryan being on the loose and obviously out to scare the living shit out of me for no apparent reason, I was cautious. I backed off of my bed and near the door and looked out the window, so that if I saw someone I didn’t know I could get a head start run out of there. When I saw that it was that annoying bad boy at my window I marched over there and opened if for him.

Chasing December (#wattyawards2015)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora