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5. Bang

I WAS LYING. Actually. I really wanted to travel the world, even if they were all the same. I still wanted to go.

"All the cities, cultures, languages, slowly dying off. Thanks to globalization." Reagan murmurs.

"What?" I asked, although I heard her very clearly. Globalization.
"Nothing." She replied. "So... are you going to waste time with me?"
"I guess we can go back now." I replied. She waved her hands at me.

"I'm not leaving so soon."

I waved her goodbye as I walked down to the train platform, just on time. The train was always semi-packed, today was the same. I took a seat at one of the corners of the train, listening to the irritating melody of the train wheels colliding with the train tracks, it made a prolonged high pitched squeak along the tracks, which namely, is one of the most irritating and aggravating noise I ever heard. I hate it.

Usually I would close my eyes and get a moment of peace with myself, but today, I seemed to be sizzling with thoughts that I couldn't seem to shut down my mind. So I allow it to roam. That man must be a actor. He can't be a beggar. I've never seen one in my life. They don't exist.

I looked around the train, everyone was heading to work, or somewhere for all I know. They all dressed, for the most part, in a casual fashion. Everyone had their headphones plugged into their ears, their eyes were closed. The entire train was quiet. Then to the far corner, I saw him. The beggar. He was leaning on the car door, his eyes half open, almost drowsing off to sleep. He looked tired, the tired that felt like he was forced to wake up on a Sunday morning. I wanted to get up and scream at him, for playing us, and making me guilty, a little bit. I almost believed him, but seeing him dressed in a blue cardigan, a white button up, and a nice clean pair of Paris jeans, I knew my moment of guilt and empathy was unworthy. I almost wanted to slap myself, for being gullible, for a moment, even questioning myself. I shouldn't have, I knew I would be right. They were always right. When the train pulled up at my stop, a sudden bang awakened everyone. All of a sudden, the atmosphere felt tense. Eyes looked around for the source of the loud noise, people waited for the driver to comfort them with a mechanical announcement. Everyone looked lost. As the train doors opened, many people darted out the doors, it was difficult to squeeze through some anxious adults. When I was out the train doors, I only felt relieved. The train couldn't close its doors as people scurried in all different directions. The passengers that wanted to get on the train intertwined with those who were running away from a threat. I stood amongst the crowd, confuzled. Another bang, a gun like explosion sets off another round of panic. More people run towards the exits, almost creating a human blockade. I ran toward, trying to get out myself. Then, a aggressive pushes behind me, almost knocked me to the ground. I turn around , I caught glance of the beggar. He smiled, I think, I was only able to catch a glimpse. He stuffs a envelope like thing onto my hand, and firmly presses on it as I enclose my fingers around it.

"To the king who possesses regal blood." His whisper was the faintest of any man I ever talked to. He was almost out of breath. His rough and musty hands holds onto mine for a second of a moment before a final gunshot pushes me away, towards the exit. It felt like a eternity, when I finally turned around, I could only make out a faint figure, laying on the ground.

The Hero: Prelude [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now