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Mansi was late! She was a week late for her periods and although she dismissed any thoughts thinking it was probably because of her hectic schedule, she wanted to be sure. While going back home she stopped at a pharmacy on the way and bought a pregnancy kit to make sure. She did not tell Amit anything about it because she was sure that it was highly unlikely for her to be pregnant as they have practised protected sex. She pushed it to the back of her head until the next morning when she took the test.

The test showed a single line, negative. She felt relieved but there was a nagging feeling somewhere which she quickly dismissed as she was getting late for office.

Fast-forward to two more weeks and Mansi's periods were still absent. Adding to her present condition was a metallic feeling in her mouth when she woke up in the mornings and occasional nauseous feeling. She decided to consult a doctor and made an appointment with a gynaecologist. 


It had been a long day for Amit. The project that he was working on was tedious and all-consuming and he was looking forward to getting home to his wife. Being with Mansi made Amit feel calm and relaxed. He forgets all the things that are bothering him.

As soon as he entered the house he could smell the coffee brewing and it made him smile. Mansi was so considerate and even though she liked tea, she always made coffee for Amit and he has grown to the tase of the coffee prepared by her. On hearing the door open, Mansi came out of the kitchen looking cute in the apron tied around her waist. Amit walked up to her and kissed her. This was their way of greeting each other and Amit enjoyed it because no matter how many times they did it, Mansi always turned into a tomato.

After Amit took a quick shower and came out of the bathroom, he saw a pair of shoes kept on the bed instead of his clothes. It was a pair of baby shoes and a note was kept under it which read,

Hi Dad, 

Mom found out about me today! I can't wait to meet both of you. 

Lots of Love,

Your to-be first born

To say that Amit was shocked would be an understatement. He stood there reading and re-reading that note over and over again as he couldn't comprehend the letter, his mind was blank. Slowly he regained his composure and that's when a huge smile spread across his face. Still wrapped in a towel, he went outside to look for Mansi and found her standing in the balcony staring into the clear sky. Although she had heard him approach, she didn't turn around because there was a part of her that was scared about him not wanting the child but as soon as Amit wrapped her in his arms, all the doubts cleared up and Mansi broke down in tears of happiness.

They invited both of their families over the next day to share the news with them and everyone was excited about the new addition to the family. They spent a lovely evening together where the mothers planned for a baby shower and the fathers sat and discussed anything and everything. Mansi and Amit just sat huddled together in one corner feeling happy and content. A few months back, they would have never expected to that a day like this would come when both of them would become such an essential part of each other's existence but that's what love does, loves does make miracles happen.


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