chapter 4

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We walk up to the door and a tall guy who is really good looking greets us.

"What took you so long? You're the last one here." The tall hot guy says.

"My mom was being annoying." Nico states.

"Ya right, I heard you were doing it with Lyndsey this morning." The guy says while chuckling.

"Shut up." Nico says while shoving the other guy and walking inside. I follow him, but an arm stops me.

"Who is this beautiful lady?" The tall guy says while looking me up and down. Before I can say anything Nico interrupts me.

"She's an old friend staying with us."

"Old friend huh." The tall guy says.

"Don't you get any ideas now." Nico says while pulling me by the arm to follow him.

"Garret just wants to get in your pants so just avoid him." Nico says to me and I just nod.

I follow Nico and he sits with the girl from this morning. I sit on a couch that is empty. Right when I sit a guy jumps from the back of the couch and sits right next to me. And then a girl sits on my other side.

"Hi!" They both say at the same time.

"Hey." I say quietly.

"I'm Sydney and that's Jackson." She says excitedly.

"I'm Maya." I say.

"Guys stop bothering Maya." Nico says to Sydney and Jackson.

"We're just talking to her." Jackson says innocently. "We're not bothering you, are we?"

I shake my head no.

"See we're just being friendly." Sydney says.

Nico looks at me and just says whatever and goes back to the girl sitting in his lap.

"How do you know Nico?" Sydney asks me.

"I used to live next door to him." I tell her.

"Used to? Did you move?" She questions me.

"Ya I moved to Pennsylvania; I just moved back." I say.

We all sit and talk for a while and it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Nico's friends are pretty nice unlike Nico. Someone brings in snacks and we all eat some while watching a movie. The guys choose a horror movie so all the girls would get scared and come to them. The movie is about how these dolls kill a little girl's parents and then tries to kill the girl but doesn't succeed. I really don't wanna watch it because it could trigger some stuff from my past and then I'll start having a panick attack in front of all these people. This movie is basically my life: both our parents died and someone tried attacking us, for me it was Phill. Ever since my mom died I've been getting severe panick attacks and I can barely breathe and a lot of things trigger it.

We're about half way through the movie and I haven't started crying or anything yet which is a good sign. If I can make it half way I can make the other half. I got this, I can watch this without crying.

The girl in the movie screams when she sees the doll coming towards her. The girl is stuck and can't go anywhere. There's no hope left for her. I can't help the tears from coming. It starts getting hard to breathe and my mind is going back to all the times Phill would beat me over and over until I was a pulp compared to him. I put my head between my knees and try counting back from 10 and taking deep breaths. I think someone is talking to me but I can't hear them or anyone, all I hear are my silent screams at night begging Phill to stop. No one can hear me and I can't hear them I'm invisible.

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