Part 5 - The Statue Of Dr. Kang (IV)

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Rain came down in torrents. Mitzner ignored it at it poured from her hair and face and beaded off her uniform.

"That is enough, Dr. Kang," she said, bringing her face very close to his. "I will not allow you to manipulate these people!"

"Who am I manipulating?" asked Dr. Kang "These people wrote a prophecy about me."

"It's not about you!" screamed Mitzner "Prophecies aren't real!"

"Prophecy is a meaningless superstitious term," Dr. Kang agreed, "but it is not impossible that people might have knowledge from the future. For example I don't think we can rule out the possibility that I will eventually invent time travel and warn these people of my coming."

Wagner nudged McAfree with his arm when Dr. Kang mentioned time travel. In response she elbowed him back as hard as she could. Wagner bent over, the wind completely knocked from him.

The rain was already beginning to let up.

"I don't have to listen to this arrogant nonsense," said Mitzner, "I'm in charge of this mission. I am ordering you to tell these people you aren't their chosen one."

The crowd watched the exchange with fascination but not understanding. Only the old man and his attendant could understand what was being said.

"No, I refuse to lie to them," said Dr. Kang.

"I'm giving you a direct order," said Mitzner.

"Don't try to pull rank with me, Lieutenant-Commander. I disregard far higher ranked individuals than you on a regular basis."

Mitzner pointed her finger angrily at Kang, stabbing the air. Rage lit his eyes aflame. Then she caught hold of herself. She took a deep breath. Her finger shook as she struggled with her demons.

She needed him to cooperate. She would refrain from pointing out how horrible he was. He must know by now, everyone in his life has been telling him that for years, it isn't helping anything to reiterate.

"Don't do this to me, Doctor," said Mitzner. "I don't need this today. I know you just cleared your name and you're really excited to exercise your newfound freedom to be an insubordinate jackass," watch it, "but could you please, just this once, follow an order? I will owe you a favor. As distasteful as the idea is I will owe you a solid. You don't even need to say anything to these people that you don't want to, just come back with me to the shuttle."

"As tempting as the offer is, Lieutenant-Commander," said Dr. Kang, "I'm needed here. I am a god to these people."

"Well, not quite," said the old man's attendant.

"I'll work on it," said Dr. Kang.

"Fine, McAfree, Wagner, come with me," said Mitzner.

Wagner started walking towards Mitzner, but McAfree grabbed his shoulder to stop him.

"Well, I mean, come on Lieutenant-Commander," said McAfree, "we're going to stay with Doc."

"I'm not, I'm going," said Wagner, shrugging off her hand.

"Very well," said McAfree, "I'm staying."

"You're Foundation now, McAfree, remember," said Mitnzer. "I could order you to come."

"I'm staying," said McAfree "If you want to make trouble for me just because you can now, go ahead. It's not my fault Dr. Kang's an egomaniac. I didn't create this mess."

"Alright, Ensign, then I'm ordering you to stay with Dr. Kang and keep an eye on him," said Mitzner.

"Thanks," said McAfree.

Mitzner nodded and she and Wagner left for the long hike back to the shuttle.

As quickly as it appeared, the rain completely subsided. The sky was now completely free of clouds.

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