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Mr. Paul and the boys let me shower and change while they all sat in my kitchen. Each had a cup of tea in their hands, nicely prepared by Mr. Paul himself. One was waiting for me, too, right next to Brian. Rubbing a towel through my still-damp hair, I approached them. And Brian pushed the mug in my direction.

"Feel better?" he asked me with a smile.

I nodded. "Yes." Lifting the mug in my hands, I looked into his golden eyes. "Do you?

"I do." Brian sipped from his cup of tea and offered me space on his lap to sit. I accepted, giggling as I drank from my cup, too.

"Now, can you tell me why you weren't able to answer your phone?" Jun asked me as he put his cup down. "Kyle and Brian here said it was a rough night and all, but—"

I shrugged. "I kind of... don't have a phone anymore," I said with a cringe. "It's dead."

"So, you need a new phone?" Jun batted his eyes before he laughed. "Why didn't you say something?"

With my cup to my lips, I gave him the same look back, batting my eyes, too. "How, if I don't have a phone?"

Jun's mouth opened. Then shut. He officially lost his argument before it could even begin.

"Well, I'm glad everyone here is happy and safe." Mr. Paul rinsed out the mug he'd used in my kitchen sink. "Once everyone is ready, I've got cupcakes downstairs. Feel free to stop by and grab one if you want to."

"We will," Brian said. "Thank you, Mr. Paul."

"Yes." I placed my mug down in front of me. "Thank you very much. For everything."

The look Mr. Paul gave me, that soft smile, warmed my heart. It was nice to have every bit of good in my life in one room. It started with Jun and his ability to save me from the darkest moment in my life. Mr. Paul was the next bit of light. The man who gave me a chance when I had little to my name and no job to ensure I'd be a good tenant. Turning my head, I looked into Brian's eyes, smiling at the man who saw more in me, all of me, and helped me just be happy.

"Here, I'll get the door for you." Kyle jumped up from his seat to help Mr. Paul leave my apartment. The two men smiled at each other. And I couldn't help but smile, too. Because of Kyle, I was able to find Brian and get a piece I almost lost; almost let go because I was scared.

But the whole reason for moving to the city, escaping my home, was to let go of all of my fears. And last night, the morning, was the biggest baggage I could ever drop into the sea.

As Mr. Paul said his goodbyes once more, Jun sighed and glanced over at Brian and me. There was a smile on my brother's face. "I'm sorry we had to meet like this," he said to Brian, shaking his head. "I should've just come to your party, I just, it's just—"

"Don't worry about it, man," Brian said, putting his mug down on the counter. "It's just nice to meet you."

"Same." Jun laughed.

"And same!" Kyle returned to the counter, his hands folded in front of us as he grinned. "Now that we've all said our hellos and what-not, can we for real eat?"

All eyes drifted towards him, confused.

Kyle laughed. "Look, your boy is hungry. I wasn't kidding. And I think I'm going to need more than a cupcake."

Shaking my head, I glanced at Brian and saw the twinkle in his eyes. "We can eat," I said.

And in my head, I told myself, all I really need is a cupcake and that smile.


Jun wanted to come with us, but leaving home was a quick trip he hadn't planned on taking. He only needed to ensure I was okay. Telling him goodbye was hard, again because I finally had him at my side, but I promised to text him.

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