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Mason Maloney

My legs were wobbly when I finally stepped out of the car. Sitting in there for the entire drive from Massachusetts to Florida, except for a few bathroom breaks, was enough to make my legs forget how to walk for a few moments.

"Is this your building?" Dad asked as he got out of the car, Mom following. He pointed straight ahead to one of the residential buildings in the area.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug, squinting to try and see the name of the building. "Sam said he would meet us out here, but I haven't heard from him. He might still be at practice."

"Hey!" a voice loudly called out. I turned to see Pete making his way over to us, his parents following behind him. "Is this it?"

I shrugged. "Where's Bell?"

"She went off to her building. She wanted to get there before her roommate," he replied, looking around at the buildings that surrounded us.

Our parents started talking with each other while Pete and I watched other students dragging their things through the parking lot to the residential buildings.

"Have you seen Ross?" I asked Pete as we watched a guy drop his suitcase.

Pete laughed loudly at him and I smacked his shoulder to shut him up.

"No, I haven't seen him," Pete denied.

As if he heard us talking about him, Ross cane walking down from a long walkway that led to the parking lot from one of the residential buildings.

"Hey!" he called out. "Did you guys just get here?"

Pete immediately walked over to Ross while I motioned for our parents to follow.

"Did you see Sam and Christo yet?" I questioned Ross when we reached him.

Ross rolled his eyes. "Hello to you too Mase. No, I haven't seen them yet."

Ignoring Ross, I looked around the parking lot, hoping to see my boyfriend lurking around. Luckily for me, my eyes finally found him. He looked disheveled as if he was rushing. When his eyes met mine, a beaming smile broke out onto his face and I went running toward him, dropping my bags on the ground.

I launched myself at him with full force, causing him to stumble back a bit when he caught me. My legs wrapped around his waist as his arms clung to mine and I started kissing all over his face.

"I missed you!" I exclaimed, kissing his face between each word.

Sam chuckled, his smile so wide there were wrinkles by his eyes.

"I missed you so much, Mase," Sam confessed, placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Did you miss me too?" Pete's voice called out, causing us to pull apart. I put my feet back down on the ground and gave Pete an annoyed look.

"I missed Ross, not you," Sam teased.

"Rude," Pete muttered.

An excited yell from behind me grabbed my attention. I turned around to see Christo sprinting toward us with a look of glee on his face. He raced past Sam and me and headed straight for Ross, throwing his arms around him which caused Ross to let out a laugh and stumble backwards.

"Well, I guess it's clear who Christo missed," Pete commented with a scoff.

I shook my head and turned back to Sam, looking up at him with a smile. His time down in Florida had done him well. His once pale skin now had a golden tan and his hair was slightly lighter on top from the sun.

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