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...The long overdue interview with *drumroll please* me!

Shout out to @CrazyReader107 who took enough interest in Abby's story to want to do this in the first place. And again, sorry for taking so long to finally post this. Without further ado, here's the interview, done about five or six months ago. 

Question 1: Where did you get the idea for the book?

I think I mentioned this before, but the idea for Abbernathy was inspired by my two real life black kitties at the time, Bowie and Ramsey. I was just getting back into writing at the time (oh, about seven years ago) and I decided I needed something easy to write about so I went with a small fraction of what I knew back then. I was a girl-- still am, by the way-- and I had two cats. Before the story officially became Abbernathy and the Cat Kingdom, it was just a document on my old laptop labeled, A Girl and Two Cats. Things took off from there.

Speaking of cats...

Speaking of cats

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Here are the kitties that inspired Sebbi and Lucy! Bowie, pictured laying majestically on top of his very own castle, served as inspiration for Lucy, while his little brother, Ramsey, pictured sprawled out on the kitchen floor served to inspire Sebbi

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Here are the kitties that inspired Sebbi and Lucy! Bowie, pictured laying majestically on top of his very own castle, served as inspiration for Lucy, while his little brother, Ramsey, pictured sprawled out on the kitchen floor served to inspire Sebbi.

Anyway, you should see the early drafts of this story when it was first conceptualized-- actually, scratch that. You should not see them. No one should ever see them. They were bad. Tense shifts out the wahzoo and fragments galore. Abby's story has come a long way, and hopefully, so has its writer. *wink*

Question 2: Will Abby ever come to terms with her subconscious feelings for Crum?

The problem with this question is that it assumes Abby has feelings for Crum. Does she? Hmm...I wonder. She definitely loves his hair, but the stuff between his ears and further down? Not so much. I think she's too focused on other things, being a kid, surviving in a world of pointy-toothed cat people, to care about loving on some lanky, snobby boy. I am certain about one thing though - if Abby knew her fans were rooting for her to get together with Crum, she'd have her ivory slippers on faster than Mimi could hold her back and trust me, her kicks are no joke.

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