Chapter Twenty-Four: Marcus and Petro Chat

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Having sent Mulberry and Aurelia up to bed, Marcus cornered Petro in the small tavern on the ground floor of their inn.

“You picked a decent place,” Marcus grudgingly admitted as they sat down at a table in the corner. “Clean, neat – How much is it going to set me back?”

Petro shrugged, “Depends on how long you want to stay, of course. But these hinterland towns are cheap compared to your central provinces prices. I don't think we've got anything to worry about.”

Marcus nodded, staring into his cup of watered wine. “So,” he said, not looking at his friend, “I'm leaving in the morning.”

“You mean we're leaving, right?” Petro asked.

Marcus shook his head. “No. Arcius is less than a day's travel up into the hills. You're staying here, and so are Aurelia and Mulberry.”

Petro's eyes narrowed.“No way! I said I was coming with you, all the way, and I mean to do just that.”

“No. I have – I have to do this myself. He was my brother, Petro.”

And, Marcus thought to himself, if Petro's there, if he does this for me, then how will I ever be able to face my father on my own? Or Gaius' little boy? If I can't do this myself, I'll never be able to stand doing that.

Realising that Petro was staring at him, one eyebrow raised, Marcus sheepishly added, “And there's no reason to drag Mulberry and the baby up into the hills and back down again, not when we have to come back through Byford Augusta the next day anyhow. But I can't – I can't leave them here alone, can I? Anything could happen. So I need you to watch over them, Petro.”

Petro made a face, but nodded, saying, “Yeah. No problem. I'll watch out for them. Promise.”

“If I leave first thing in the morning, I should make Arcius pass by late afternoon. Assuming the garrison will put me up overnight, I'll deal with – with things, then make my way back here the next day. You have one night of baby-and-Mulberry-sitting, tops.”

Petro nodded, “One night? That's easy enough. You do what you need to do.”

“Thanks, Petro,” Marcus smiled sadly, and sipped his wine. A moment later, he added, “Oh, and Petro? Everything I said before still holds. You touch that woman, and I'll kill you.”

Petro chuckled good-naturedly. “I can be a gentleman when I need to be. I'll keep them safe for you. No worries.”

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