Chapter 3

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Rose's pov
My head was literally pounding. I slowly opened my eyes but squeezed them shut when a blinding white light fell on them. I again opened them adjusting myself to the light. 'Oh, you are finally awake!'. I heard a woman's voice saying. I looked around and saw an elderly lady walking towards me. She came up to me and asked 'how are you feeling now? Does it hurt anywhere?' I shook my head. There was a slight pain in my head and a bit in my body but I was used to it. It was always there. Maybe because of the usual beating or the lack of nutrition I don't know.

I asked in a hoarse voice' Who are you'. She smiled at me and replied, 'Well dear, I am the pack doctor. The new one. I was in another pack but later on called over here to assist.' She wasn't here for long, that explained why she was so nice to me. But I knew soon enough she will be influenced by the pack and would treat me the same. I asked' How long have I been out for.' She said about a week and three days. She had a worried look on her face and said further,"I think it took so much time for you to wake up because you were also severely malnourished. Sweety, what happened? Why is your condition so deteriorated?". I did not reply anything. This was because of the pack! I wanted to yell and scream. Tears out of frustration began forming in my eyes. The pack doctor then looked at me and said" it's alright if you don't want to tell me". I just looked at her and asked, "Why are you so nice to me?". I knew it was a weird this, but whatever she did was new to me. The affection, love, sympathy, everything. She laughed and said, "Well sweety, isn't it the basic manners. Being nice to everyone. Besides that I have a daughter your age. She found her mate in our old pack so she stayed being over there. Oh well, I forgot to tell you, the alpha enquired about you yesterday. He said he wants you back in the normal state as soon as possible. But you don't seem fine to me. It feels you really need more nutrition. I can tell the alpha you Need more rest."

I smiled. She really was a nice lady. A king hearted soul. I didn't want her to be facing the anger of the pack. To them  I was nothing more than a disgusting pack maid,me having a good rest, a big no no. I shook my head and asked her," Doctor, am I good to go." Shd said, 'Yes you technically are, but honey you need..' I cut her off by saying, "It's alright, I will leave, I need to. Thank you so much ma'am. For taking care of me".

'It was my duty sweetheart. And I also told you that I have a daughter your age, I see her in you. In fact all the girls your age. Drop by my house someday. I always bake peanut butter cookies and a few of my signature dishes every once a week and distribute among the pack. You can come taste them too. " She said while giving me the biggest smile. I really wanted to hug her. A motherly love and affection radiated from her. It was the first time someone was so nice to me. She even gave me some vitamin pills so I could take them.

I said my goodbyes and left the hospital to go back to the hell whish is called as the packhouse.

When I opened the door I saw the pack slut sabrina sitting with her friends on the couch. Sabrina always annoyed the hell out of me. She had convinced herself that she was the future luna of this pack as she was the beta's daughter. Gross. She and Alexander would make a great pair. Both were beautiful angels on the outside and ugly monsters on the inside. She saw me and immedietly said, 'oh look who has arrived. The drama queen. Could not even handle a little extra work. Do you even know how much trouble we had after you left? Well anyways go into the kitchen  the kitchen right now and make dinner for the pack, it better be ready at eight and good at taste or you know the consequences.' I felt like answering her ch boy at that moment Alexander entered the hallway along with his friends. Seeing him fear crawled in my skin and I sprinted into the kitchen. I felt tears in my eyes just at t the thoughts of this future alpha. What will happen when he becomes the official alpha of this pack? Or worse, what will my life become?

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