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She drives of quickly, I know she wants to get away so I can't see her crying but as she passes I can see her wiping at her cheek. I'm the biggest jerk of the century, the most perfect girl just slipped through my fingers because of some stupid mistakes I've made. The biggest jerk award, all nominees Dustin Fox. I sigh and run my hand through my hair. I slam the door to my car after I slip behind the wheel. Not good for the car but I guess it's good for me. I turn on my engine and start to drive away.

I don't exactly know where I'm going, all I know is that I don't want to go home. I can't face that right now. My parents and I have just started into a good relationship and my mother loves Hadley, she'll kill me when she finds out what I've done to her.

I turn a few times, go straight through other intersection, letting the universe take me where it will. Let it take me to the middle of nowhere, allow it to track me across the country. As long as it's no where near my problems.

When I look back at my radio I see the time, I've been driving around aimlessly for three and a half hours, almost four. My eyes are tired from so long of looking at the road ahead of me. I glance down at my gas, practically empty. Perfect. Now I've got to find a gas station. I'm in the middle of nowhere. I drive for another 15 minutes before I see the lights of a station. Just in time. I pull into the driveway and notice the place is closed, who the hell closes this early. I cut the engine to safe as much gas as I can. I reach into my pocket for my phone.

"Crap" I voice, I don't have my phone. I slam my hands on the wheel and lean my head back against the rest. This is just my luck, today is just wonderful. I let my anger escape me in a series of angry screams.

I've got no phone and no gas. Located at some roadside stop three and a half hours from home. I this isn't a break down I don't know what is.

Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Maybe literal distance for a while will help me out, though I've head the whole distance makes love only grow stronger over time. Then again many break up and stay that way.

I sit for another about half an hour, I don't really know since I don't want to waste my gas of just looking at the time. I've been debating my options, drive off and hope for the best, stay here all night and wait until the open tomorrow morning or call Jason. There is an old payphone I can use. I would open for the drive and hope for the best however I doubt their is a place near by if this one is here. Waiting until morning wouldn't be so bad except I have no music or anything to listen to, so I'll be left alone with my own thoughts and right now I would much rather not think. So I have to go with my last option, call Jason.

I fish for some coins that I've got in the car and get out walking over to the payphone, luckily I know Jason's number by heart, before I had a cell phone with speed dial on it I called Jason on the landline and had to know his number. I pick the phone off of the receiver and invert the few coins I have, punching in the numbers to Jason's home phone number. It begins to ring.

"Come on Jason," I whisper to myself. If he isn't home let one of his parents be home. Just someone I can get a message to.

The phone rings a few more time before the receiver picks up. "Helllo?" Yes it's Jason!

"Jason!" I say relief clear in my tone.

"Dustin? Is that you?" He asks from the line.

"Uh yeah, listen I ..." I start but am cut off.

"What do you think you're doing dude?" He says annoyed into the phone. "One where the hell have you been for the past few years and two why in the Mother Earth would you break up with Hadley?" He yells. I can't tell if he's made at me or just annoyed. Either way their is a small amount of relief in his voice. Glad to know he genuinely worries about me.

"Jason, just." I sigh an run my hand over the back of my neck." I had to alright? She was getting too close to me and you and I both know that I don't date. " I let out a groan. "I'm just... I don't know. I... I don't have my phone, and I'm outta gas." I can hear my own voice start to crack, "the stations uh... closed and ugh, I don't exactly know where I am either." I lay my head down on the phone box and just let out the breath I had been holding.

"Dustin, just... it's okay. " I hear Jason say into the phone, light whispers follow. "Just uh... what's the name of the station you're at I'll google it."

I look through the fogged window of the booth and read the sign. "Um... Rover's" I say to him.

He's silent for a few seconds." Okay I've got it, I think, says you're like three hours away dude?"

"Sounds about right." I say sadly into the phone.

I hear Jason sigh. "Alright, I'm on my way, don't go anywhere okay."

"Alright." I place the phone back on the receiver. Great I've got to wait in the middle of nowhere, with nothing, for three hours at least. Wonderful.

I walk back to my car and slide into the seat. This is utter torture, a real band of bad luck chocked full of karma. How humbling. I decide since Jason's on his way I can use up the rest of my gas, it's dark, cold and my minds thoughts are getting the best of me. I flip on the radio, I have to go to talk radio so that no songs of lover or anything would play, luckily I got a night that talk radio is just doing that, talking. It doesn't draw me completely away from my thoughts, but enough that I don't hurt, scream or cry.

               *                    *                  *

I wake with a start when there is light tapping on my window, I must have fallen asleep, my car is off, meaning I'm dry out. I look to the window and see Jason standing just outside. He's lit up by the headlights of his car. He wanes his hand with a small smile, I rub my eyes from sleep. I reach to open the door and step out.

"Hey dude." He says to me holding out a can of gas.

"Hey," I try to smile lightly, "thanks for the gas." I say and take it from him hovering over to put it in the tank.

Jason leans against the side of the car, "so, I know I'm not all emotional or anything like that. Uh uh..." he kicks at the gravel, "do you want to like talk about it?"

I somewhat expected that from Jason. In no way are we that into showing all our feelings to each other but we've been friends for as long as I can remember.

"Nothing to talk about." I say jaw clenched, trying to not let how upset I am show, however Jason can read me like a recipe card.

"Dustin, come on. You expect me to actually believe that?" She scoffs. "Listen, I get that you don't want to talk about it right now, but when you're ready, please don't hesitate to talk to me."

I nod my head and hand him the gas can back. He takes it and just remains standing.

"Alright, listen get home, I'll follow you so I know you actually went home." He says to me as he puts the can in his trunk then gets in his car.

I walk over to his window." Jason you don't have to follow me, I'll go home."

"Dustin, I know you. You will most likely not go home, when your upset with how you parents are acting you stay at my place. Right now you are upset with a lot. You run away from your issues Dustin. I'm not going to my you keep running."

Little Rich BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ