Chapter Thirty-One: Fighters

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Because the bullet had gone straight through my shoulder, it took the Doctor less than an hour to patch me up. Luckily there wouldn't be any permanent damage, aside from a scar, and I would just have to wear a sling to avoid moving my arm in a way that would rip my stitches. They let me out and I headed to the BAU so I could get constant updates. They, apparently, had managed to track down Will and rescue him just moments before Izzy and her real partner, who turned out to be Matthew Downs, blew up a train station. I was standing in the bullpen of the BAU, waiting for the others to get there. While I waited, I was on the phone with Ben.

"Are you insane?" He asked. "Lizzie, you could have died-"

"But I didn't." I told him. "and the next time I'm held hostage in a bank, I'll be sure to think it through a bit more."

"You say that as a joke, but with your history, its very probably that something like this will happen again." I nodded.

"Fair enough. But I'm fine, and I'll be there to pick up the girls in the morning."

"Ok...just so you're fine."

"I am...aside from a gunshot wound to the shoulder."

"WHAT?!"  The elevator dinged, and I saw the rest of the team step off of it.

"Sorry, gotta go, bye."

"Liz-" I hung up, putting the office phone back on the hook and standing up as everyone except JJ, Will, and David filed into the room.

"Hey, GI Jane!" Morgan greeted. "You did great work today. We couldn't have solved it without you."

"Thanks, Morgan."

"Good work with the phone thing. Genius." Emily added, sliding my cellphone into my hand. I smiled. Reid offered me an awkward smile, and Garcia pulled me into a cautious hug.

"You scared us half to death." She said, pulling back. I nodded.

"I know. But I'm ok, I swear." Morgan cleared his throat and she backed away, revealing Aaron. His hair was disheveled, he was covered in dirt, and he had dried blood caked on the side of his head, from his ear. "Aaron-"

He cut me off, by wrapping an arm around my waist, and tangling his hand in my hair, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back with my good arm.

"I was terrified." He whispered. "I had to be professional, but in reality...I was so scared that I would never see you again."

"Me too." He pulled away, putting his hand on my shoulder and tucking my hair behind my ear. "I'm ok." He grabbed my face, leaning his forehead against mine.

"You went up against armed psychotics and won...again." He pointed out. I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good at that, it turns out." He smiled, leaning down and pressing his mouth against mine. I could feel the fear, desperation, and relief in the kiss, and it broke my heart that I was the reason he felt all of those things.  Tears of relief fell down my face as I brought my hand into his hair and kissed him back.

"Ok, I get that she almost died and everything, but I don't need to see my boss like that." Morgan said. I laughed, pulling away from him.

"Come here." He grabbed my hand, pulling me into his office and shutting the door behind him. He sat down behind his desk, and I leaned against it, facing him.

"So...the triathalon's out of the question now." I pointed out. He smiled.

"Well, I'm sorry for that, but you being alive is a lot more important to me than that race." I nodded in agreement.

"I was torn, internally." I said quietly. "On the one hand, I knew I had to do, because I had experience with this type of thing,  I had to try and manipulate the Unsubs but at the same time, I knew that...if I failed, Charlotte and Sadie wouldn't have a mom. They just got one parent back, and to lose another..."

"It would be selfish of you not to think of your kids." He pointed out. I nodded.

"Then does that mean it was selfish to choose to do it anyway? Even while knowing the risks and their consequences?" He pushed his chair forward to stop right in front of me, grabbing my hand.

"Who knows how many people you saved by distracting the robbers?" He asked. "You saved Will, and most likely JJ's son Henry, by having the idea to leave your phone in the car. You saved people's lives, and got out with your own. There's no point in thinking about what might have happened." I sighed, nodding.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to spend your day with Jack."

"He understood. Besides, I think he had a great time with Charlotte, Sadie, and Ben." I raised my eyebrows.

"Ben has Jack?" I asked. He nodded.

"When I got your text, I immediately called Ben and your Dad. It was against protocol, but I knew they'd want to know. Your Dad came to help with the case, and Ben offered to take Jack so that all of the kids could play together and distract themselves from what was happening." I smiled. "Where is your Dad anyway?"

"He went home. I think all of the stress of the day was too much for him, after being retired so long. He was exhausted." He nodded.

"You have no idea how grateful I am that you're ok." he said. "I was so scared..."

"And yet, you managed to stay completely professional. I admire you for that." I told him. He shook his head.

"It was horrible."

"But its over now." I pointed out. "We got through it, just like we have everything else that has come our way. We're fighters, you and I." He smiled, and opened his mouth to say something when he was interrupted by his phone ringing. He fished it out of his pocket, looking at it before pressing it to his ear.

"David, what's up?" I furrowed my eyebrows. He smiled, which told me it wasn't anything bad. "Hang on, let me check." He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of his office onto the platform. "Oh, wait, she's here. Erin, Don't go anywhere." I saw he was talking to a blonde woman that was stood talking to Morgan. "Dave wants to know if everyone is free tomorrow night, you included." He directed the last part at me. I nodded.

"Well, it depends on if he's buyin' then I'm definitely in." Morgan said.

"Yeah, me too." Emily said. Garcia raised a hand and Reid shot him a thumbs up.

"You hear that? We're in."

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