Tragedy Strikes- Chapter Five

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Carita took in the smoke that was coming from her cigarette and muttered a few breaths to herself. It was one of the first moments that she had been alone for weeks now, hell, she had to be walked to her own room in the motel right now. She knew that she was in some form of trouble, being forced to be on watch by either Dean or Sam for who knows how long, but she really did not mind it much. They were something that she could sit around and listen to for hours at a time, they way that they would bicker like an old couple, they way that Dean watched over Sam, and the way that Sam watched how much Dean would drink. The only problem was getting around it to see Daryl once in awhile, but she liked being around Sam. He was funny at times. When he really wanted to be.

They were working on a case that she had never heard of before, something about a monster that she really did not care to research about. They were somewhere in New Jersey, that's all she really cared to know; the air smelled terrible compared to what she was used to. So she would watch Sam on his computer, nonstop. Carita would just stare at the screen most of the time, laughing with the way that Sam would search his words, the way that he used the computer, it all seemed so old school to her. Carita would be the one that would go and get the boys another beer when it was needed mostly because she would be able to slip out of the room and have a few minutes to call Daryl before Dean would catch on and call her back into the room. Then it would be back to watching over Sam for a few more hours.

Right now though, she knew that she had lost both Sam and Dean in the giant Wal-Mart store that they had not been in for years before. She lost them somewhere by the tampons isle that she knew that Dean hated to go through. It was a typical guy thing. Carita took a long drag from her cigarette as she looked around the parking lot. Many cars, but none like Dean's shinning in the bright sunlight, people not even taking another look at the beautifulness of the car. She just starred at her and wondered how long it would have taken her to be able to get a car restored like Dean had with the Impala. It would take her years while it would take Dean only a few days to remake the car like he had when it was completely destroyed - more than once.

" You waitin' on someone?" A male voice said from behind. Something was screaming inside of her, telling her something, she knew something was up, most likely it would be Dean coming out soon.

" Oh no, just trying to have a moment to myself." Carita mumbled, not even looking at the man.

" I can see how that would be hard fo' a girl like you." The man said, she rolled her eyes and took in another puff. She needed to get going.

" I guess you could say that." She really did not want to speak to anyone, just wanted to have a cigarette, run back inside and snag some tampons- which she really needed - and go back to finding Dean before he would notice how long she has been gone for.

" You a pretty lil' girl." He said, getting closer to her, brushing his finger across her cheek.

" Thank you." She said as she threw her cigarette on the ground. " Well, have a nice day." She tried to walk away but the man pulled on her wrist, hard.

" I don't know where you think you going anytime soon." He said, that's when she really looked at the man.

Black eyes took away the brown that had been there moments before, his grip was getting harder and harder as he looked at her. Carita thought about screaming, trying to get someone - anyone's attention - get there was surprisingly no one around, besides it would most likely not end too well either. In her pocket, there was a small iron knife, but she would have to have her arm released from it's vice grip before she would be able to retrieve that. Black Eyes was now pulling on her, dragging her, around to the back of Wal-Mart, where no one would see them. Carita's mind was racing about all of the different ways that she would not be able to get out of it and even worse, what was going to happen to her.

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