1: prologue

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Hello readers, this is Author-Chan here, is just like to say that this is my first time writing an entire story in 3rd person, I'm using this to experiment for my future naruto fanfic with a X reader title, so if you have any tips about how I did it,I'd greatly appreciate it, also the above photo is the MC's previous appearance, you'll understand as you read! Anyway~ enjoy!

PS: I dub you all... Embers, so instead of readers your my embers!

Sincerely~. Kasai-Chan!

Story begins:

I'm a barren like area, there stood 3 people, the first, a black haired male, his aura released the feel of death, the second a pink haired male, his aura released the feel of anger, and lastly a blond haired, blue eyed child.

The black haired male was named Zeref, and the pink haired male was named Natsu, these two were siblings, yet, they were at each other's throats. Nami was here, because her elder sister, Lucy, could not be there.

Nami was abandoned by her family when she was born, because she is a child from a different mother, her father was ashamed and abandoned her in the forest, where she as found by a dragon, the dragon was black, and around him were little creatures unknown to Nami.

The dragon who's name is Ink, took in the crying child and raised her, and ink taught Nami her magic, Ink possessed two types of magic, the first is color dragon slayer magic, it changes the color of things, it also absorbs color, or things of a chosen color, for example, if Nami were to use Color dragon slayer roar, and she aimed it at someone, and she thought of the color red, everything red within and on the chosen target would be absorbed.

Ink's second magic was art creation, the magic to use ink formed from magic and to create beings that when completed would come alive and serve their master.

Nami had perfected both magic, but when she returned to the cave to show her mother who was Ink, Nami was met with a note, the note told Nami that Ink had gone, and that they would one day meet again.

Nami was devastated, she lived in the forest for a couple years, and then at age 8 she left and joined fairy tail, finding her sister as well.

Now, Natsu and Zeref were fighting, Nami was trying her best not to interfere since that's what was requested of her, but then, something happened and Zeref and Natsu disappeared, when Natsu returnee, Zeref was no where to be seen, Nami rushed to the injured natsu's side and hurriedly headed towards where we knew her sister to be, she found her sister smiling and resting, Nami then called "Lucy!" Lucy noticed the approaching two and rushed to help Natsu, leaving a tired and injured Nami to watch in silence, Lucy, mad that Natsu had been hurt so much shouted at her sister, causing Nami to run, and using the last of her strength to run into the secluded part of the forest.

Nami then noticed she needed help, she didn't have enough power to use her unique healing magic, or her water magic, so she frantically searched for help.

But unfortunately Nami has went into a forest heading away from civilization, she was breathing heavily now and her pace was a slow as a sloth, soon, her legs could not hold her anymore and she collapsed onto the floor.

She laid down and looked up, she then remembered a song Natsu had once sung to her, he said it was called 'Everything's alright' she softly smiled and recounted the lyrics before she started to sing the song with the last of her strength.

"Short steps, deep breath
Everything is alright
Chin up, I can't
Step into the spotlight
She said, "I'm sad,"
Somehow without any words
I just stood there
Searching for an answer"

She took a deep breath and continued.

"When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright

Why do my words
Always lose their meaning?
What I feel, what I say
There's such a rift between them
He said, "I can't
Really seem to read you. "
I just stood there
Never know what I should do"

She held back the tears that threatened to spill as she used her strength to sing the one song that Natsu sang to her.

"When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me, then everything's alright
If you're with me, then everything's alright"

Her breath was now barely there, her heart was slowing, she smiled the brightest smile she'd ever smile and her last words were "At least... Natsu... and.. Lucy are...*cough* alright." And with that, Nami breathes her last breath and passed on from the world.


A woman laid on a white bed, a house nurse to her left, a maid to her right, her legs were open, the maid said "Mistress just a bit more, push." The woman released a quiet but loud sound of pain, and then the house nurse smiled brightly and said "Mistress! It's a girl! Mistress your 6th child is a girl!" The nurse quickly cleaned the new brown baby, like the other children, she did not cry at birth, the baby was carried in a red blanket to her mother and the mother said "Your name will now be Aiko Zoldyck."

Word count: 974

Strange (HUNTER X HUNTER fanfic) (fairy tail fanfic)(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now