2: reborn?

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Yo! I've decided I will update every Saturday! Enjoy my embers!


Story begins:

When the mother who's name is Kikyo, named her child, the child, who like every other child in the family, was not crying, the child was actually analyzing her situation, one thought entered the partially temporarily blind baby, and that was 'I'm still alive?' Yes, as you've probably guessed, the once to have died Nami was now reborn as Aiko Zoldyck.

Aiko slowly analyzed everything she could with her blurry vision, she heard her new name and realized she had been reborn. Kikyo was tired so she said "Maid, take Aiko to meet the family, I will be resting." The maid bowed and said "As you wish Mistress." She then left with the young Aiko in her arms as Kikyo slowly fell asleep.

The maid took Aiko to where the family was waiting, with the exception of Alluka who was in her usual room. Silva, aiko's father, looked at the child, who's eyes had yet to be seen, since her eyes though partially open were covered by her closed eyelids.

The maid handed Aiko to Silva and said "Master, mistress has named young mistress Aiko." She then bowed and left the room. Silva looked down and noticed that aiko's hair was not silver like everyone else in the family, but white, pure white.

Silva took interest into and this and said "Father." Zeno Zoldyck, who is Silva's father turned towards his son and asked "What is it Silva?" Silva turned to his father and said "She has pure white hair." At this Zeno's eyebrow rose and he said "Interesting, look at what the eye color is."

In the Zoldyck family, those with black hair, all had black eyes, those with silver hair had blue eyes, Zeno and Maha, both had black eyes since they used to possess black hair. Maha is zeno's grandfather. Though, never in the Zoldyck family has there been a pure white haired child, they were eager to see the eye color.

Silva turned to his eldest son, Illumi and said "Check what color her eyes are." Aiko who had been listening to this was unfazed by there conversation, this entire time she was trying to see if she still possessed her magic, when she was passed to another person, she get the familiar warmth of magic power in her chest and knew she still possessed her magic, the person who she was passed to said "Hello little sister, my name is Illumi and I am your elder brother, if you understand me, try and open your eyes for me."

She didn't care for pretending to be weak, that would mean she'd laze around with nothing to do, so she decided to go with the prodigy route. Aiko forced her eyes to open and she heard everyone in the blurry room, gasp.

She tilted my head slightly, the person holding her had what she presumed is black hair and really pale skin, Aiko didn't know anything but that, he then asked the person who was holding her before, "Father, she has red eyes, how is this possible?" Aiko couldn't hear much emotion in Illumi's tone.

The large silhouette of the man she presumed to be her father, had silver hair and pale skin also, he then said "I don't know Illumi, we will start her training in 4 months if she shows the right signs, Killua, you will care for her, you will inform me of her abilities when they show, and you will care for her as you did to Alluka, and of you have time, introduce them to each other."

Aiko saw a short male silhouette, he too had silver hair and he has blue eyes clearly visible, she saw what She presumed to be his head nod and then he said "Yes father." Then he took Aiko from Illumi and left the room.

Aiko looked at what She presume to be her brother and he looks down at Aiko with a smile on his face that Aiko could not view. Killua her older brother was at the moment 6 years old, he took his little sister to his room and sat her down.

He smiled warmly at the confused Aiko and said "Hello there little Aiko, my name is Killua, if you understand me, can you nod your head?" Aiko not knowing if this was normal or not nodded her head in response.

Killua, unknown to Aiko, was smiling brightly with pride, he then asked her "Do you understand everything I'm saying?" Aiko nodded still slightly confused, then Killua knowing that Aiko understood him, said "Well little Aiko, our family is fully of assassins, and we are very strong, do you understand." Aiko, who had just realized that Killua was checking her intelligence, just nodded, Killua noticed how tired Aiko seemed, picked her up carefully and placed her in the crib in his room.

Killua smiles down at his sisters now sleeping form and whispered "My cute little sister.." and then left to inform his father of his discovery.

Killua was not one to listen to his family, but when it came to his sister, well now sister's, he wanted them to be safe, he knocked on his fathers office and entered when his father said.

Killua stood before his father and Silva turned towards his 3rd son and asked "What have you discovered?" Killua smiled with pride present and said "Aiko has amazing intelligence, she is a prodigy among the prodigy's of prodigy's, she understood everything I've said and she isn't even a day old! She got tired quickly which is expected, but if it is like this, she could possibly surpass you when she is but the age of 6, 7, and at the latest 8 years old!"

Silva was taken back, Killua didn't even praise Alluka like that, meaning it was the truth, Silva nodded and said "Alright then, Killua, you will care for her until she is able to see, ask her every day if she can see, when she can, we will start her trading 9 months early." Killua nodded and left.

I was actually very stuck with this chapter, and the last, I didn't know which family aiko should be apart of! So I decided to go with the one I could write easily, which is my favorite anime family, the Zoldyck's! I am still stuck in ages, so the ages are gonna work like this.

Illumi: 24
Milluki: 19
Killua: 12
Alluka: 11
Kalluto: 10
Aiko: 6

Maha: 98
Zeno: 67
Silva: 46
Kikyo: 42

Now that that's cleared up!
Farewell my embers!


Word count: 1116

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