He's a keeper

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Juniper POV

I was currently laying on my bed with Tyler, who had his arms around me and was playing with my hair. I was scrolling through my phone, noticing I had 8 missed calls from him and 5 from my mother.
I frowned as I turned the screen off and put the phone on my nightstand.
I wiggled in Ty's arms so that I was facing him. He stopped playing with my hair and touched my cheek, making me smile.

"Oh Juniper, what am I going to do with you?" He asked quietly.

"You have some explaining to do mister." I said as I played with the string on his hoodie.

"The first 10 times you called me I didint feel like answering because I needed space. I understood that you were in a tough patch but I still felt bad. I tried to help and you just lashed out. So I decided you needed time." He said.

I frowned.
"I did not call you 10 times." I said.

"No, you called me 15 times." He smirked.

I pouted at him.
"I did not." I complained like a little girl.

He laughed.
"Out of all the things you can fight me with, you choose on the amount of calls you made. Your unbelievable."

I winked.
"I try."

He shook his head and gave me his croocked smile.

"Anyways, I went to help dad with some stuff. It was 5pm when I realized I had a voicemail from you sent at 3:45. I listened to it like three times, getting goosebumps. I tried calling you but it went straight to voicemail. I got scared and went to your house. Your mom was home and I asked her if you were in. She said you were upstairs and I could hear the loud music. I asked if I could talk to you and she said yes. Your door was locked so she opened it and you weren't there. The window was open and your skateboard was missing. It was clear that you had run off. Jimmy got real savage and kept ranting about how he told you to stay put. I've never felt more scared in my life." He whisperd the last part.

I touched his face and frowned.
"I dont follow. What's wrong?"

His eyes glazed over.
"I thought... well, since everybody was ignoring you, in the state I left you in, when I heard the voicemail, you didin't return my calls... well I thought you might have done something stupid." He whisperd as if he were in pain, stroking my cheek and watching me closely, as if I might dissapear any second.

Realization hit me like a truck.
"You thought I'd try and take my life?" I asked with caution.

He nodded slowly and my heart broke.

"Tyler, im so sorry. I went to let out some steam at my aunt's. She owns a ranch and we went for a ride with the horses and I lost reception. I swear im fine." I assured him, touching the side of his face.

"I didin't know you ride horses." Was all he said.

I nodded.
"I do, ever since I was a little girl. I have a pinto horse named Nightingale. You'd like her and I bet you anything you would just have to sketch her. She's a beauty. "

He smiled warmly at me.
"I think I would." he said softly.
Then there was silence.

"You were wrong." He told me all of a sudden and I frowned at him.

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