23| What's Up, Miss Sunshine?

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23| What's Up, Miss Sunshine?

    SINCE Monday night, my parents still hadn't spoken to me

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SINCE Monday night, my parents still hadn't spoken to me. They had practically been avoiding me all week, and if I ran across them, they would give me the silent treatment. It was as if our house was dead, and there was no one actually living in it. Every night, we ate dinner separately. Rather, my parents ate dinner together and I was forced to fend for myself. I had tried eating with them on Tuesday, but when I sat down, they both simultaneously stood up and left the room. Their anger and frustration towards me was clearly on a completely different level.

I tried not to think about it too much. I stayed focused on my school work, taking short breaks in between studying to watch an episode of a show or a YouTube video. They weren't bothering to check in on me to make sure that I wasn't taking breaks, so I took advantage of the situation. I made the best of it all, although it still wasn't ideal. I still wouldn't say that I was in the best mindset.

The other thing I tried not to think about, but somehow couldn't shake, was the fact that Noah had found me on Monday night. He came out of nowhere that night, and I was glad that he did... which was a weird thing to admit. Sure, we were friends now, but when we were together everything felt elevated. All of my senses were elevated, and I was extra aware of his presence beside me. And he had hugged me willingly, he had comforted me and told me some of the nicest most meaningful things.

And as much as it kind of confused me, I didn't mind. It was the one thing that was constantly on my mind that put a smile on my face. I didn't necessarily want my mind to be clogged with thoughts of Noah that night, but it was better than my parents. And to be honest, I was starting to really like being around Noah.

I shut my locker and started walking down the halls to head to the cafeteria. I was glad that it was time for lunch, as I had skipped breakfast this morning to avoid my parents. Apparently, they had claimed the kitchen this morning for their own specialty breakfast with bacon and eggs. I couldn't believe they actually made bacon without any intention of letting me have some. It was another level of cold.

I turned and headed into the cafeteria to buy lunch. I decided to grab a pre-made Subway sandwich as per usual. I checked out and then went to sit down at our usual table where Jeremy, Bianca, and Gracie sat waiting for me.

"Hey Log," Gracie said when I sat down. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," I said, eagerly taking a large bite of my sandwich. Even when I finished chewing, all of their eyes were staring at me, wearing the same worrisome expression. "Seriously, guys. I am fine."

They all just nodded before the conversation quickly changed focus from me to Jeremy. "Cayden and I were talking about the trip," Jeremy told us."

"And what were you talking about exactly?" Bianca asked, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Jeremy grabbed a Cheeto from his bag and threw it at Bianca. "Shut up, B," he said, his face red. "We were talking about how maybe he could be in our carpool group? You know, the 5 of us?"

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