Chapter seven

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Y/N: I quickly hide behind nightmare and turn to my non creature form as he opens the door. I peek from behind him and see a lot of people who seem to have just stopped talking now looking at us, most of them dont see me. "Y/N come on don't be shy if they hurt you I'll rip them to shreds" Nighty whispers to me. I nod and come from behind him still hiding a little and holding his hand. Now everyone is staring at me, well except Dust who's talking to himself and Error who's rebooting, I have no idea what caused him to have to reboot.

"For those of you who don't know, this is my little sister Y/N, if you hurt or even touch her I'll break your soul" Nighty says. "Hi!" I shout, as I let go of Nightys hand. "Its nice to meet all of you! I hope we can all be FRIENDS!" I continue still shouting and shout the word Friends as I make a movement with my hands and spin around then giggle. Nightmare moves a little and looks away clearly not liking how I introduced myself. "Buuut if you hurt my brother i'll... hug you until you suffocate!" I try to threat and Nighty smiles. "Wait a second werent you the kid who made that bucket of water fall in top of me?!" A skeleton shouts.

"Oh hi angry skeleton" I say. "My name is Underfell sans or Red!" The skeleton that I'll call... cherry says angrily. "No need to yell at me, after all" I say, put sunglasses on and continue, "Its just a prank bro" Cross spits his hot chocolate out and burts into laughter as I dab because of the retard I am. Everyone else just stares at us. "Uhh Cross and Y/N could you guys leave we have to talk about some stuff" Nighty says. "WHY CANT I STAY HERE SEND HER/HIM AWAY INSTEAD OF ME!" Cross and I shout at the same time then look at each other with an are you serious look. "Nope you both need to leave" Nighty says clearly liking us fighting. "FINE!" We yell and storm out of the room as others laugh and Error finally finishes rebooting and asks, "What happened?"

-le timeskip to the end of themeeting-

Nightmare: "-and that is why we need to look for them" I finish explaining. Everyone just nods. "CaN wE gO nOw YoU hAvE bEeN tAlKiNg FoR tWo HoUrS!" Error says. "Wait two!? Holy crap Cross and Y/N might habe already burned half of the house!" I shout and run out of the room leaving everyone confused and still sitting not knowing if they can get up.

I can hear a lot of shouting and stuff falling down on my way to the living room. I gulp and finally reach it. "HAHAHA BEHOLD THE WRATH OF JUSTICE!" Y/N yells and points a banana at Cross. "NOT IF I KINDNESS CAN STOP YOU!" Cross shouts and protects himself with a frying pan. The living room is a mess with food, books and random stuff lying around. Y/N and Cross, look even worse than the living room. They are covered in god nows what kinds of dirty stuff. Cross is wearing an apron as a cape and Y/N has a  pot on her head, even if its too big for her. I just stand and stare at what theyre doing. It looks like theyre playing as the human souls.

"YOU CAN'T WIN KINDNESS!" Cross shouts and hits the pot on Y/Ns head playfully. "JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!" Y/N shouts and throws the banana at Cross. "What are you doing?!" I finally ask frustrated. They both look at me and stare for a while before Y/N speaks up. "W-we're play-playing to b-be the hu-human s-souls" Y/N says. She stutters it means that she thinks she did something wrong. "You know what screw it! just clean the mess you made and its ok" I say as Cross and Y/N start picking stuff from the ground. I walk to the kitchen. "OH HEY BY THE WAY WHATEVER YOU DO DONT GO IN THE KIT-" Cross yells, but its too late I already stepped in there. A water bucket falls on top of me and I scream like a girl, because I hate water. "CHEN" Cross finishes then he quickly picks Y/N up and they run upstairs while im still screaming.

Hah sorry this chapter is a bit short and stuff. I really dont like to make you wait for the chapters, but i have a lot of school stuff to do. I hope I can make this up to you

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