1~ stars

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Stars shone brightly onto the graveyard. The graveyard, was empty. Except for two people. Felix and Marzia.
Recently, Marzia's mom had passed away.
Quite recently, Felix's dad passed away.
The graves, were right next to each other.
Marzia stands on the left, and Felix stands on the right.

"Hello, are you okay?" Felix asked.
"Not really," Marzia said while tears ran down her face.
"You shouldn't be crying pretty girls don't need to cry," Felix politely pointed out.
"Thank you," Marzia smiled.
"I'm Felix by the way," Felix smiled.
"I'm Marzia," Marzia said.
"That's a beautiful name," Felix whispered to himself.
"Oh thank you," Marzia smiled.

They looked at the graves, in silence. Nothing could be heard, not even a mouse. Felix had tears in his eyes, while Marzia was crying.

Felix looked at Marzia, Marzia looked at Felix. For a minute, their eyes couldn't leave each others.
Felix smiled at Marzia.
"Call me later," Marzia smiled, as she gave Felix a piece of paper with her number on.
"Of course," Felix smiled.

Marzia, walked out of the graveyard, thinking of Felix.
About 10 minutes later, Felix left.
Quickly, Felix arrived home with tears in his eyes.
"I'm back mum," Felix announced sadly.
"Okay," Felix's mom shouted.

Without hesitation, Felix ran up to his room and grabbed his phone.

Marzia, was home watching tv.

Felix, text Marzia. Almost instantly, she responded.


F: hey Marzia it's Felix
M: hi:)
F: can you call me?
M: sure:)

Felix, waited for a minute until he got a call from Marzia.

Instantly, he picked it up.

"Hi," Felix laughed.
"Hey," Marzia laughed, happily.
"How are you doing?" Felix asked Marzia, with a smile on his face.
"Great, how about you?" Marzia responded, with a smirk behind the phone.
"I'm good," Felix responded.

They continued talking until 5:59am.
"I've got to go now, Bye!" Marzia laughed.
"Bye!" Felix smiled.

They were both, so happy. Smiles owned their faces for the day.

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